人大重阳网 伊朗媒体专访:钦佩伊朗死磕美国,但不妨学中国
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发布时间:2025-02-18 作者: 王文 

中国在中东的国家形象常受到西方思维的影响。近期,伊朗资深媒体人诺詹・埃特扎多萨尔塔内(Nozhan Etezadosaltaneh)专访中国人民大学重阳金融研究院院长王文,提了相当多极具挑衅与带有偏见的问题。

编者按:中国在中东的国家形象常受到西方思维的影响。近期,伊朗资深媒体人诺詹・埃特扎多萨尔塔内(Nozhan Etezadosaltaneh)专访中国人民大学重阳金融研究院院长王文,提了相当多极具挑衅与带有偏见的问题。2025年2月14-17日, 伊朗首家经济通讯社《经济在线》 (Eghtesad Online)、 伊朗新闻人网站khabarban 伊朗SMT新闻网站 用波斯语接连发表了此次专访。现将专访中英文翻译如下:

























▲2月17日,伊朗SMT新闻网站(Samat newspaper)刊发本文








王文:目前看来,欧洲人很难与特朗普2.0合作。特朗普2025年2月初已宣布有可能会对欧盟增加关税。在特朗普看来,欧洲一直都占美国的便宜。而基于我过去8年 到访欧洲10多个国家 的亲历看,欧洲精英们并不喜欢特朗普。



王文:从2010年以来,我曾先后访问伊朗 10次 ,当面见过 内贾德总统 和已故的 莱希总统 。我还写过一本书 《伊朗:一个被妖魔化的国家》 。在我看来,伊朗是世界历史上最伟大的国家之一,但近半个世纪,伊朗经济受到美国制裁的影响非常严重。









王文:我在过去三年曾经去过 俄罗斯10次 ,还曾经 去过克里米亚与俄乌冲突的前线城市 。你这个问题的导向与中国目前对“俄乌冲突”的政策现状有很大差距。











Nozhan Etezadosaltaneh is an Iranian journalist. He has written several articles about the Middle East in Iranian newspapers, including Shargh, Etemaad, Roozegar and Bahar. He is also a PhD student at the Institute for Social and Cultural Studies in Tehran.

Wang Wen, Dean and Professor of Chongyang Institute of Finance, Renmin University of China, and Executive Director of the China-US Center for People to People and Cultural Exchange under China Education Ministry. He is a representative figure in the Chinese think tank community and a consulting expert for multiple Chinese ministries. He is one of the few scholars in the world who has interacted with the current leaders of more than 10 countries, including China President Xi Jinping, Russian President Putin, Indian Prime Minister Modi, and Iranian President Lehi (later deceased). He has also invited more than 30 former political figures, including former US President Carter, to attend events held by his institution.

Nozhan: China is in a real estate crisis, with many houses left empty and the sector in a state of recession. What is the cause of this and what do you think will be the solution to this problem?

Wang Wen: No Chinese media or mainstream economists have adopted the term 'China's real estate crisis'. More precisely, the Chinese real estate market is in a' deep adjustment period '. Since China fully implemented the housing commercialization reform in 1998, real estate has gradually become the most important support for China's economic growth and a huge driving force for urbanization and modernization. By 2020, the added value of real estate had accounted for 8.3% of China's GDP. The housing prices in China's first tier cities have reached the standards of New York and London, and the real estate foam in many places is quite serious. This is clearly not a good thing for China, which is located in a developing country.

So, the Chinese government carried out multiple rounds of real estate adjustments. The proportion of real estate added value to GDP in 2024 has dropped to 6.3%. The total sales volume of real estate in 2024 and the housing prices in most cities have dropped to the level of 2015. In my opinion, this is a healthy and benign adjustment to prevent China from repeating the mistakes of other countries' real estate crises. The Western media's lack of understanding of China's real estate and frequent use of the term "crisis" to describe it is actually short-sighted.

In 2025, most institutions hold a cautiously optimistic attitude towards the future development of the Chinese real estate market. Let me tell you a secret, I am planning to buy a bigger house for my parents in 2025. There are three main reasons: firstly, China's real estate policy remains loose; Secondly, China's urbanization is still ongoing. In the next 10 years, 200 million Chinese will still move from the countryside to live in cities and towns. Thirdly, the current financial environment is also improving, and the housing loan standards are relatively low. If there are houses in good locations in China’s major cities, they are still worth investing in.

Nozhan: Reports indicate that the Chinese have turned to buying gold to prevent the depreciation of their capital. What will be the consequence of this for the yuan? Is this a sign of a trust gap between the government and the Chinese people?

Wang Wen: I don't know which report you're referring to. I recommend you take a look at the latest data from the China Gold Association. In 2024, China's gold consumption reached 985.31 tons (equivalent to approximately 100 billion US dollars), a year-on-year decrease of 9.58%. Among them, 532.02 tons of gold jewelry decreased by 24.69% year-on-year. On the other hand, the consumption of gold bars and coins was 373.13 tons, a year-on-year increase of 24.54%.

In China, the enhancement of gold as an investment attribute cannot be attributed to the relationship between the government and the people, but mainly stems from the turbulence and intensified conflicts in the international situation. In 2024, the international gold price reached a historic high of 40 times, highlighting the hedging and preservation properties of gold. At present, the international gold price is about 2800 US dollars per ounce. In the next 10 years, the international gold price center may be in the range of $3000/ounce to $5000/ounce. Not only in China, but also in most countries around the world, the desire to invest in gold is increasing.

Nozhan: Do you think there is a prospect of economic unrest in China in 2025? In 2024, we saw an increase in the crime rate in China?

Wang Wen: The claim about China's economic turmoil has been circulating in Western media for at least 75 years. In the past two to three years, the most popular evaluation of the Chinese economy has been 'Peak'. But in 2024, China's economic growth rate is 5%, more than twice that of the United States and more than three times that of the EU, and it is still one of the fastest-growing major economies in the world. It is obvious that the Western media's prediction of China's economic stability is wrong again.

The issue of rising crime rates in China reflects that you may not have been to China before. If given the opportunity, I will send you an invitation letter to experience what is the safest country in the world. In 2024, the number of criminal cases in China reached its lowest level since the 21st century. China is one of the strictest gun control countries in the world. In the United States, over 40,000 people die from gunshots every year, but in China, you have almost never heard of any shooting incidents happening. All data shows that China is one of the countries with the lowest homicide rate, criminal crime rate, and gun explosion cases in the world.

Nozhan: How effective and possible do you think the BRICS, led by China, is in confronting Western economic institutions? Can China, Russia, and their partners really establish a new world order and offer a serious alternative to the current order?

Wang Wen: There is no mention of "confronting the West" in any official text of the BRICS countries, nor has there been any proposal to replace the West. The relationship between BRICS countries is not one of leaders and followers, but one of equality, mutual benefit, mutual respect, win-win cooperation, and openness and inclusiveness. The consensus among BRICS countries is to reform the current unfair international economic, trade, and financial system, rather than revolutionary overthrow of the current international system. This is precisely the main reason for the increasing number of BRICS member countries in recent years.

Let me tell you some news: In August 2023, the BRICS organization made a decision to expand its membership on the basis of China, Russia, India, Brazil, and South Africa. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran, and Ethiopia become full members from January 1, 2024. Later, Argentine President Millet stated that he would not join the BRICS for the time being. Subsequently, multiple countries applied to join the BRICS cooperation. In January 2025, Belarus, Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Cuba, Uganda, Malaysia, and Uzbekistan became BRICS partner countries, with Indonesia becoming an official member.

Nozhan: To what extent can countries’ exchange of the Chinese yuan and local currencies weaken the dollar? Do you see the prospect of weakening the dollar or replacing it with other currencies?

Wang Wen: "De-dollarization" has become a popular term in the current international financial market. Compared to over 20 years ago, the ratio of the US dollar as an international reserve and international payment is declining. As of the end of the third quarter of 2024, the proportion of the US dollar in global foreign exchange reserves has dropped to 57.4%, the lowest level in 30 years. In recent years, the weaponization of the US dollar and the US policy of implementing long arm jurisdiction have been important reasons for promoting de dollarization in various countries.

But it must be said that in the foreseeable future, the position of the US dollar as the most important international currency remains unshakable. The internationalization process of Euro, RMB, GBP, and JPY is still quite lengthy. However, I predict that the Chinese yuan will become the third largest currency in the world by 2030, only behind the US dollar and the euro.

Nozhan: How do you see China’s economic prospects in 2025? Will China’s growth slow down so much that it will no longer be able to compete with the United States?

Wang Wen: In China, both economists and ordinary people hold a cautiously optimistic attitude towards the economic outlook for 2025. In 2024, China's GDP grew by 5%, reaching $19 trillion, exceeding the total of the European Union, more than four times that of Japan, and reaching 66% of the United States. By 2025, the Chinese economy is expected to maintain a growth rate of around 5% too.

Compared to China's average economic growth rates of 9.5% in the 2000s and 7% in the 2010s, the current 5% growth rate may seem to be declining, but it is mainly due to an increase in total volume. The 5% increase in China's economy by 2024 is equivalent to the total amount in 1996. According to China's plan, by 2035, China will exceed $35 trillion and is likely to surpass the United States to become the world's largest economy.

Nozhan: At the end of the game and competition between China and the US, who do you consider the winner? Will America win this time, like in the Cold War?

Wang Wen: In China's decision-making design, the competition between China and the United States is not regarded as a strategic plan for national development. China's development is not aimed at defeating the United States. In fact, China's development is aimed at meeting the increasing demand for a better life among the domestic people. 1.4 billion Chinese people all hope to live a better life, a bigger house and better services. If these needs are met, China will naturally develop better.

Over the past 20 years, I have traveled to the United States more than 30 times and have been to over 10 states in the country. From a personal perspective, the natural resources and university education in the United States are generally better than those in China, but in terms of infrastructure construction, urban security level, and convenience of life, China is far superior to the United States. If American urban life can become more convenient and safer in the future, then Chinese people will be very willing to learn from the United States.

Nozhan: What will be the impact of Trump's tariffs on the Chinese economy and what can China do to counter it? Will it be able to counter it? How?

Wang Wen: Since 2018, Trump has launched a trade war against China and implemented high tariffs on Chinese goods. The average level of trade tariffs between China and the United States has remained around 19%. Over the past seven years, Chinese foreign traders have adapted to the high tariff policies of the United States. More importantly, the high tariff policy of the United States has neither reduced the total bilateral trade volume between China and the United States, nor reduced China's trade surplus with the United States, indicating that the trade war launched by Trump has failed.

On February 1, 2025, Trump 2.0 announced an additional 10% tariff on Chinese goods. To be honest, apart from eliciting responses from spokespersons of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Commerce, this matter has not caused much social reaction in China. This fully reflects the Chinese people's calm and confidence in Trump's tariff policy. A 10% tariff increase is equivalent to $15 billion, which is a very small ratio for China's total foreign trade of $6 trillion. We believe that China has many ways to deal with Trump 2.0. The ultimate result is only one, which is the failure of Trump's 2.0 tariff policy again.

Nozhan: Will the Europeans cooperate with Trump to counter China's economy and jeopardize their trade relations with Beijing? Why?

Wang Wen: Currently, it seems difficult for Europeans to cooperate with Trump 2.0. Trump announced in early February 2025 that he may increase tariffs on the European Union. In Trump's view, Europe has always taken advantage of the United States. Based on my personal experience of visiting more than 10 European countries in the past 8 years, European elites do not like Trump.

At present, the international situation is very complex, but China Europe trade cooperation continues to develop with strong resilience. According to Chinese customs statistics, the total import and export volume of goods between China and the European Union in 2024 was 78.58 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 0.4%. The trade relationship between the two parties is determined by their respective development needs. For example, the export of goods from both China and Europe supports approximately 3 million jobs in the EU and 6 million jobs in China. The most typical example is that in 2024, half of Volkswagen's global sales, one-third of BMW's, and 36% of Mercedes Benz's global sales come from the Chinese market.

Nozhan: Can Iran's relationship with China help Iran's economy if Tehran's relations with the West do not improve? Beyond bypassing sanctions, is China able to provide Iran with the necessary technologies and is China willing to do so?

Wang Wen: Since 2010, I have visited Iran 10 times and met President Ahmadinejad and the late President Lehi in person. I have also written a book titled 'Iran: A Demonized Country'. In my opinion, Iran is one of the greatest countries in world history, but for nearly half a century, its economy has been severely affected by US sanctions.

China has long been Iran's largest trading partner. At present, the trade volume between China and Iran remains at around 20 billion US dollars, but the trade potential between the two countries is at least 50 billion US dollars. Chinese goods play a promoting role in the development of the Iranian economy. The Chinese people admire Iran's spirit of seeking independence for a long time and refusing to oppose the United States for a long time. On the other hand, I also hope that Iranians can gain more understanding and comprehension of China's economy and development, especially the complexity and subtleties of China-US relations. China hopes to maintain a long-term relationship of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation with the United States. China will do its utmost to defend its core interests, but hopes to avoid confrontation and a new Cold War as much as possible.

Nozhan: Why, despite the debt trap for underdeveloped or developing countries as a result of cooperation with China, do other countries still want to cooperate with China? Do you think Iran may also fall into this debt trap?

Wang Wen: "Debt trap" is another pseudo concept concocted by Western media. Your question itself proves the falsehood and clumsiness of this concept. If it is really a debt trap, why are so many countries willing to cooperate with China? Isn't willingness to cooperate with China just a proof of the benefits of cooperation? After all, the leaders and decision-makers of all countries are smart and rational, and China has never sent its military to force them to cooperate.

In fact, in Sri Lanka, Kenya and other countries with the most "China debt trap" hyped by western media, Chinese loans only account for about 10% of the foreign debt of those countries, and do not constitute a major part of their foreign debt. More importantly, most of the commercial loans provided by China are much lower than the international market interest rates, which were jointly agreed upon by both parties based on the principles and levels of the international market at that time. I think the same applies to China's debt in Iran.

Nozhan: Can Iran follow the Chinese model in the economic sphere if it reaches an agreement with the US and normalizes relations? What are the potentials and obstacles in Iran's path in this regard?

Wang Wen: Every country has its own development path and unique experience in growing and rising. Many of the experiences in the Chinese model are also borrowed from successful experiences in Western modernization, but ultimately they must be in line with China's own national conditions.

If I really want to share a few Chinese experiences that Iran can refer to, I hope they are the following three: first, to implement reform and opening-up policies that are in line with its own development. The key to the success of these policies depends on whether the lives of the local people are getting better and better. The second is to vigorously improve the level of infrastructure construction in the country. The third is to promote integration into the international system and attract international investment, advanced technology, management standards, and cultural products as much as possible. I believe that Iran will definitely get better and better on its development path.

Nozhan: How long do you think China is willing to provide financial and diplomatic support to Russia in the Ukraine war? Is it possible for China to make a deal with the US over Ukraine?

Wang Wen: I have been to Russia 10 times in the past three years, and I have also been to the front-line cities of Crimea and Russia-Ukraine conflict. There is a significant gap between the direction of your question and China's current policy towards the Ukrainian crisis.

Firstly, China has maintained good relations with Russia and Ukraine over the past three years. The average growth rate of bilateral trade between China and Russia over the past three years is about 20%, while bilateral trade between China and Ukraine has increased by more than 30%. Why do Western media ignore the latter and fail to say that China has provided financial and diplomatic support to Ukraine?

Secondly, China's lack of participation in Western sanctions against Russia cannot be equated with China's support for Russia. Maintaining legitimate and lawful bilateral trade between China and Russia cannot be equated with China supporting Russia's military actions against Ukraine.

Thirdly, China hopes that Russia and Ukraine can achieve reconciliation as soon as possible. But China's stance on the Ukraine issue will not be benchmarked with the United States, let alone reaching an agreement with the United States on Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine are both sovereign and independent countries, and we respect their ultimate claims.

Nozhan: In recent years, reports have shown that Chinese President Xi Jinping's pressure on private and foreign businesses in that country has increased. What is the reason for this and what impact will it have on investment risk in China? Do you think that we will see foreign capital leaving China in the near future?

Wang Wen: Indeed, many Western think tanks and media reports are misinterpreting the Chinese government's policies towards private capital and foreign investment. The understanding of China still needs to return to more authoritative data. According to the latest official data released by China, as of the end of September 2024, the total number of private economic entities in China reached 180.8648 million, accounting for 96.37% of the total number of operating entities, a year-on-year increase of 3.93%, and a growth of more than four times in more than 10 years.

Regarding foreign investment, I believe that any rational foreign large enterprise will not easily give up on China, the world's largest consumer market. In 2024, there are 59080 foreign-invested enterprises established newly in China, a year-on-year increase of 9.9%. China's scale of foreign investment absorption has long remained the second largest in the world, ranking first among developing countries for 32 consecutive years and accounting for about 12% of the global FDI total. Of course, investing in China carries risks. The biggest risk is that you have to face the strong competitiveness of Chinese local enterprises.

Nozhan: What do you think will be the biggest problem and challenge for the Chinese economy in 2025?

Wang Wen: The biggest problem and challenge facing the Chinese economy in 2025 is still sustained economic recovery and growth. Meeting the growing request of 1.4 billion people for a better life is not an easy task. However, compared to the uncertainty caused by government changes in the United States and Europe, China remains one of the most stable major economies of policy making.

I have always believed, and it is common sense that tells me, as long as political stability is maintained, and reform and opening up are carried out with a practical and problem-solving attitude, China will continue to move forward. As a large country like China, there are certainly many shortcomings, but these shortcomings are precisely the driving force for progress. Solving problems can promote development. I believe that China's future will definitely get better and better, and China will also make more contributions to the development of the world.

(欢迎关注人大重阳新浪微博:@人大重阳 ;微信公众号:rdcy2013)