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发布时间:2024-11-07 作者: 王文 

2024年瓦尔代俱尔部年会于11月4-7日在俄罗斯索契举行,来自50多国官员和智库、大学代表与会。每年俄罗斯总统普京都会出席。 中国人民大学重阳金融研究院王文第8次受邀参会 。

编者按:2024年瓦尔代俱尔部年会于11月4-7日在俄罗斯索契举行,来自50多国官员和智库、大学代表与会。每年俄罗斯总统普京都会出席。 中国人民大学重阳金融研究院王文第8次受邀参会 。在4日晚举行的主题为《战争公式与和平方程式:大变局下乌克兰危机的公平解决方案》的内部研讨会上,王文受邀做了《尽快止战,和平谈判,减少伤亡》主题发言,被与会德国、匈牙利、马其顿等国嘉宾至少6次引述与肯定,也引起广泛讨论。该发言也刊发在瓦尔代俱乐部官网上。现将发言摘要发布如下:



早在2022年3月17日, 我在接受BBC的直播采访时就曾提到 ,如果把乌克兰视为美女,美国就是渣男。渣男鼓励美女去和俄罗斯斗,并承诺保护,结果美女被揍。


2022年9-10月, 我曾调研了俄罗斯20个城市 ,还在 战场前线克里米亚呆了四天 ,充分感受到俄罗斯的民族韧性与经济潜力。当时,我就写过10多篇文章,预言俄罗斯不可能被西方打败。














早在2022年4月8日,我曾在《南华早报》刊文说 ,俄乌冲突导致人类史上罕见地出现战争、粮荒、天灾、疫情与通胀五类“共振”现象,世界正处在最危险时刻的前夜。









Stop the War, Peaceful Negotiation, and reduce casualties as soon as possible

Wang Wen

For most Chinese, Zelensky has been cheated by the United States and will eventually be abandoned. No matter who is elected, Harris or Trump, this result will not change!

As early as March 17, 2022, I mentioned in a live interview with BBC that if Ukraine is seen as a beauty, the United States is a scumbag. The scumbag encouraged the beauty to fight against Russia and promised to protect her, but the beauty was beaten up.

Now this beautiful woman has been completely disfigured, and being abandoned is the ultimate outcome. Both the United States and Europe are making superficial appearances, maintaining a hypocritical sense of justice and morality.

In September October 2022, I conducted research in 20 cities in Russia and stayed in Crimea for four days, fully experiencing Russia's national resilience and economic potential. At that time, I had written over 10 articles predicting that Russia could not be defeated by the West.

It has been proven that Zelensky has made a great strategic mistake by trusting the United States and stubbornly wanting to join the NATO, believing that this can ensure his own security and resist Russia's preemptive defensive military actions! Zelensky was completely wrong. A country's own security cannot rely on the commitments of other countries, let alone place its own safety on the edge of a cliff.

This principle is very simple, just like you have a strong neighbor. What you need to do is to build a good relationship with him, instead of borrowing a gun from another strong person in the distance and making enemies with your neighbor.

The Chinese, of course, respect sovereignty and territorial integrity. At the same time, they believe that safeguarding sovereignty requires their own strength. History has repeatedly proven that while the principle of international sovereignty is important, it is first and foremost subject to the power politics of realism.

This kind of judgment and narration, which has been going on for nearly three years in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, may be enough!

If this continues, it will be the people of the two countries who suffer more, especially the Ukrainian people who are forced to take to the battlefield as cannon fodder.

Of course, people in other countries around the world will also be impacted, such as food crises, financial turmoil, and so on.

The ultimate beneficiaries are American arms dealers and energy suppliers! The stock market index has shown that in the past two years, the military and energy stocks in the United States have more than doubled in value! They were obviously fattened up by eating Ukrainian blood and meat!

What needs to be done now is a ceasefire! armistice! armistice! The earlier the ceasefire, the less losses Ukraine will suffer! Over the past two years, I have repeatedly called for this and still insist on it!

From this perspective, a few weeks ago, the Chinese and Brazilian governments called on all parties concerned to abide by the "three principles" of cooling down the situation, namely, not spilling out of the battlefield, not escalating the war, and not fanning the flames. This is truly a well intentioned effort.

Based on this principle, I suggest committing to ensuring the personal safety of Zelensky and all officials of his government, increasing their willingness to participate in dialogue and negotiations, and ending the war as soon as possible.

Dialogue and negotiation are the only viable way to resolve the Ukrainian crisis. The so-called peace summit requires mutual recognition and equal participation from both Russia and Ukraine. In this regard, both China and Brazil are true advocates of justice.

What is most needed is to increase humanitarian assistance to relevant areas, especially to enhance the protection of civilians such as women and children. A larger scale humanitarian crisis should be avoided to prevent tragedies like those in Gaza from happening again in Ukraine.

As recently reported by Ray Dalio, the global overall conflict index has reached its highest level since 1825- the highest level except for two world wars. The rise of this index reflects the high mortality rate, refugee influx, and still increasing military spending caused by the conflict in Ukraine and Gaza.

As early as April 8, 2022, I wrote in the South China Morning Post that the Russia-Ukraine conflict led to five rare "resonance" phenomena in human history: war, food shortage, natural disasters, pandemic and inflation. The world is on the eve of the most dangerous moment.

In short, the Russia-Ukraine conflict has become one of the most powerful international events since World War II, which involves whether the current world continues to be divided or reunited, whether it is closed or open, whether it is a continuous crisis or a sustainable development.

More pragmatically speaking, this is closely related to global politics, economy, energy, currency, finance, trade, food security, as well as the protection of oil and gas pipelines, submarine cables, power and energy facilities, fiber optic networks, industrial chains, and supply chains.

When it's time for us to save the world from the worst, let's start by pushing for peace talks between Russia and Ukraine.

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