发布时间:2022-05-10 作者: 人大重阳
编者按:5月6日晚,中国公共外交协会、中国人民大学主办,中国人民大学重阳金融研究院承办召开“求和平、促发展:全球20国智库在线对话会”。外交部副部长乐玉成作特别演讲并现场问答。巴西圣保罗商业管理学院教授蕾吉雅•莫拉•科斯塔(Ligia Maura Costa)就和平与发展议题发表观点。
My name is Ligia Maura Costa, and I am full professor at FGV EAESP, Brazil, and director of the applied research center FGV-Ethics.
Seeking Peace and Promoting Development are considerations increasingly important in shaping sustainable policies in all countries, developed as well as developing countries. A system that supports peace is capable of promoting sustainable development and security, in order to assist governments to face future challenges.
Such issues are likely to include the maintenance of security in both traditional and non-traditional ways, respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, rejecting the old Cold War idea or way of thinking, countries working together to solve regional disputes and global challenges such as terrorism, climate change, cybersecurity, corruption, biosecurity, among others.
Over the last 2 years, countries around the world faced a global health crisis with the swift spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the disease it causes – COVID-19. The outbreak affected developed and developing countries all together and is still affecting many countries. Promotion of health and safety for all citizen at the global level is a priority for governments. President Xi Jinping proposed a Global Security Initiative committed to the vision of cooperation and sustainable security, in order to maintain world peace and global security, at all levels. This important proposal would help to build consensus and to promote a necessary reform of the global security governance system.
“Security for All” at the global level, in the words of President Xi Jinping may bring stability and stability brings prosperity to countries. On the other hand, instability only leads a country to poverty, famine, and lack of resources. The global ability to reconcile security with sustainable economic development is a central concern and is, therefore, vital to further advancing global growth. Are G20 countries able to respond to this challenge? Are G20 countries able to move on based on President Xí Jinping Global Security Initiative and respond to challenges related to this proposal? The global challenge is to define how, and in particular how soon global leaders will respond to promote development, security, and peace. President Xí Jinping made the first step. But there is a long way to go to implement the proposed Global Security Initiative. As soon the world moves forward to a new global agenda of development, security and peace, the humanity may meet its current needs without compromising the need of the future generations, as states in the Report Our Common Future. May good fortune smile on us as the world may begin a new journey towards security, peace, and promotion of sustainable development.
(欢迎关注人大重阳新浪微博:@人大重阳 ;微信公众号:rdcy2013)