人大重阳网 印度学者:包括印度在内“全球南方”应熟知中国改革进程
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发布时间:2024-08-15 作者: 默罕默德•萨奇布 


编者按:2024年8月5日,四国合作智库研究报告发布暨国际研讨会上发布了《攻坚:新时代中国全面深化改革和高水平对外开放进程及2029、2035畅想》研究报告。印度中国经济文化促进会秘书长默罕默德•萨奇布(Mohammed Saqib)线上出席会议并发表主旨演讲,现将其发言内容(中英文)及视频整理发布如下:






















The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the CPC reaffirmed China's commitment to deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernisation.

This commitment is not just about China's own development; it has profound implications for the global community.

As a foreigner, I admire China's remarkable journey of reform and opening up. also because it has significant implications for the global community.

The progress we've witnessed since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is nothing short of extraordinary.And its impact reaches far beyond China's borders.

China's commitment to comprehensively deepening reform under President Xi Jinping's leadership has been both ambitious and far-reaching.

Adopting more than 600 reform documents and implementing more than 3,000 reform plans demonstrate a level of sincerity, dedication, and systematic approach that is truly unprecedented.

What strikes me most about China's reform efforts is the holistic nature of their approach.

The six 'battles' this report talks aboutbattles against poverty, blockades, pollution, corruption, hegemony, and crises, provide a comprehensive framework for addressing both domestic challenges and global concerns.

The success in poverty alleviation is particularly amazing. Lifting nearly 100 million people out of extreme poverty in one decade is an amazing feat and an extremely significant contribution to global poverty reduction efforts.

It also offers valuable learning for the global south grappling with similar challenges.

China's focus on technology, innovation and economic growth in the face of potential blockades is extremely impressive. It shows China's determination to become a global leader in high-tech sectors.

The huge rise in innovations and share of strategic industries in China's GDP is creating new opportunities for international collaboration and global technological progress.

The commitment to environmental sustainability is another area in which China's reforms have global implications.

China's significantly improved energy efficiency and reduced carbon emissions show its serious approach to combating climate change.

China's efforts in this area set an important example for other nations to follow.

China's successful anti-corruption measures and commitment to upholding the rule of law can serve as a valuable example for the global south, which is dealing with serious corruption issues that significantly impact its international trade and investment.

Strengthening national security measures while upholding a dedication to peaceful progress significantly impacts global stability.

Perhaps most significantly, China's stance against hegemony and its promotion of common global development are exemplified by the Belt and Road Initiative.

It offers an alternative model for international relations.

This approach is focused on mutual respect and shared prosperity. It has the potential to reshape global governance structures and bring a more inclusive form of globalisation.

Looking ahead to 2029 and 2035, the prospects for China's continued reform and opening up are both exciting and challenging.

The goals of achieving a more robust economy, diversified democracy, a comfortable life for citizens, a greener environment, and enhanced national security all have far-reaching implications for the global community.

As China becomes the world's largest economy by 2035, with world-class technological capabilities in most industries, the global economic landscape will certainly shift.

This presents both opportunities and challenges for other nations. It will need a careful cultivation of economic relationships and strategic partnerships.

China, focusing on a comprehensive people's democracy and improvements in social welfare systems, presents an alternative governance model that may interest other developing nations.

China's emphasis on enhancing citizens' quality of life, fair income distribution and quality healthcare will establish new standards for measuring the progress and well-being of nations.

China's environmental goals, including early achievement of peak carbon emissions and creating 'green cities,' will be crucial to global efforts to combat climate change.

The international community will be closely watching how China meets these ambitious goals.

Overall, China's journey of reform and opening up is not just a national endeavour but a global one with far-reaching implications.

As we approach 2035, China's ongoing development and global engagement will significantly influence the world.

While challenges and obstacles remain, we anticipate immense positive global impact.

As a foreign observer, I urge the nations, especially of the Global South, to engage with China's reform process. They should seek collaboration and cooperate for mutual benefit without any bias or external influence.

let me conclude by saying again that China's success in reforms and its vision for the future have the potential to contribute to addressing global challenges and creating a more prosperous, peaceful and sustainable world for all.

Thank you.

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