人大重阳网 翁诗杰:全球安全倡议值得世界政治领域关注
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发布时间:2022-05-09 作者: 翁诗杰 






尽管全球愈来愈多披着安全条约外衣的军事联盟相继崛起,以保世界霸主的安全,但随着国家之间的信任赤字鸿沟日益扩大,全球安全体系实际上已面对更大的凶险。 源源不断的武器流通日趋猖獗,丰润了美国军工联合体的收益金库。在这种黯淡的安全背景下,习近平主席提出的“全球安全倡议”无疑是及时的号角,对当前不断升级的地缘政治紧张局势,提供了替代的解决方案。


“全球安全倡议”提出了“不可分割的安全”原则。 它禁止任何国家损人利己,以牺牲他国的安全为代价来加强自身的安全,这与1999年欧洲安全与合作组织成员国(包括美国和加拿大)在伊斯坦布尔签署的《欧洲安全宪章》相互呼应。






Since time immemorial, human beings have never ceased to grapple with war and peace. Seeking peace, to the small and vulnerable states, has always remained an intractable concern without the cooperation of their neighbours, notably those with military might. In recent years, with the resurrection of the Cold War spectre by the reigning hegemon , seeking regional or global peace has even been more challenging than ever before, as the world is now heavily compartmentalised, if not fragmented, along geopolitical rifts.

Globalisation which has once presented the world with an era of multilateral cooperation that propelled economic development is now backpedaling with increasing incidences of unilateral sanctions and economic decoupling. Jingoistic battle cries in the name of democracy have been revved up to camouflage the nefarious move in staging " regime change". And fealty to the reigning hegemon at the expense of pursuing independent foreign policies is commanded. International order rooted in the United Nations Charter has time and again been usurped unabashedly by the very nation which set the rules after WWII. Yet the international community is coerced to toe the " rules-based " order dictated by the hegemon.

While more military blocs cloaked in the outfit of security pacts were formed across the globe to make the hegemon feel safe, the more imperiled the global security is getting as the gulf of trust deficit between nation states widens. Unabated flow of arms dominates order of the day with coffers of the US military-industrial complex enriched to the brim. Given such a gloomy security backdrop, President Xi's " Global Security Initiative " is no doubt a timely clarion call that provides the world with an alternative solution to the escalating geopolitical tension.

Global Security Initiative ( GSI ) evolved from President Xi's proposal at the " 4th Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia " at Shanghai in 2014, calls for a "common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable" security model of mutual respect, openness and integration. It was first directed to Asia, but now it is increasingly relevant in the global perspective.

In the proposed Global Security Initiative, the principle of "indivisible security" is raised. It seeks to forbid any country from strengthening its own security at the expense of others, echoing a 1999 charter signed in Istanbul by members of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which includes the United States and Canada.

Be that as it may, in reality, no single charter could ever make an effective deterrent to military conflicts if only narrow unilateral gains of a nation were to be pursued. Parallel to this, legitimate security concerns of all conflicting nations involved have to be addressed even-handedly to synthesize differences, if full-blown conflicts were to be averted.

While acknowledging the global vulnerability to military conflicts in the prevailing scenario, it is not too far-fetched to envision that risks of potential military clashes could be minimized considerably if economic dividends could be reaped jointly through the promotion of development, notably through the connectivity of trans-border development where economic interests of neighbouring countries in the region are all set to intertwine.

In this context, the Global Security Initiative should not be read and interpreted independently. Much less should it be deemed a spontaneous response to any specific existing security pacts. It must be read in conjunction with such preceding proposals of China as the " Belt and Road Initiative", the ideal of " Building a community with shared future for humankind" and the " Global Development Initiative ". In short, it is part of the holistic strategy China offers to the international community in its bid as a responsible rising power to make the world a safer, a more inclusive and sustainable home for humankind.

This by itself is a timely and relevant public good that warrants global attention and common sense across the political spectrum worldwide. Amid the growing existential threats compounded with increasing vulnerability to military clashes, any hegemonic moves to maintain one's geopolitical primacy at the expense of global peace and solidarity is nothing but a myopic yet despicable move that deserves the global disdain.

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