国际货币基金组织曾预测,中国的经济规模预计在2017或2018年超越美国。不过,随着今年上半年中国经济增长的放缓,有分析认为这一“时间表”可能会延后。近日,人大重阳网就此问题专访了前伦敦经济与商业政策署署长、中国人民大学重阳金融研究院(以下称“人大重阳”)高级研究员约翰•罗思义(John Ross),他认为,中国超越美国的脚步并未放缓,有望于2019年实现。
国际货币基金组织曾预测,中国的经济规模预计在2017或2018年超越美国。不过,随着今年上半年中国经济增长的放缓,有分析认为这一“时间表”可能会延后。近日,人大重阳网就此问题专访了前伦敦经济与商业政策署署长、中国人民大学重阳金融研究院(以下称“人大重阳”)高级研究员约翰•罗思义(John Ross),他认为,中国超越美国的脚步并未放缓,有望于2019年实现。
罗思义:依靠投资拉动经济毋庸置疑。从世界范围来看,投资是拉动经济增长的最重要力量。在1990年到2010年的世界GDP增长中,53%是由于投资的拉动,18%源自资本和劳动生产率的增加,30%来自劳动力的增长。这一数据见于姜武(音译;Khuong Vu)的新书The Dynamics of Economic Growth: Policy Insights from Comparative Analyses in Asia(《经济增长动力:亚洲比较分析的政策解读》)。中国经济的确是由投资拉动的,毕竟每一个经济体的增长都是由投资拉动的。
Q: Since the increase of China’s economy has been slowing down while the US is recovering from it’s financial crisis, do you think this would cause lower chance for China to overtake the US?
A: No, because the US’s economy is slowing down as well. Let me illustrate this. If you take the IMF projections, in its latest World Economic Outlook, it predicts China’s economy will become larger than the US’s economy, in comparable prices (parity purchasing powers – PPPs) in 2017/18. The assumption the IMF made is that China’s economy will grow at 8.4% and the US economy will grow at 3%.
It’s possible that China’s economy will grow more slowly than 8.4%, but the US economy will not grow at 3% either. It you take the US average growth rate in the last 20 years, it’s only 2.6%. And if you take the US average growth rate in the last 10 years, it’s only 1.7%. Therefore, China may grow more slowly than the IMF’s predictions, but the US is also going to grow more slowly than the IMF’s predictions.
As when China will overtake the US, depends not only on the grow rate of China’s economy but also the growth rate of the US economy. The relative growth rate of the two economies, which fundamentally determines when China overtakes the US, is therefore not significantly altered. My estimate is when the 2nd quarter US GDP figures get published in July, it will come about as 2% while China as we know is 7.5%. So that means the growth gap will be around 5.5%, which is actually slightly larger than the IMF’s growth gap of 5.4%.
The slowing down of China’s economy is not making any difference to when it overtakes the US as the US economy is also slowing down.
Q: But a lot of media in China say that the China’s economy is driven by the investment, which is very huge. What do you think of this?
A: It is a matter of fact that economies are driven by investment – it is easily the largest components of world economic growth! If you look at world GDP growth in the period 1990-2010, 53% of the world GDP growth is due to investment, 18% to capital and labor productivity growth and 30% to labor growth - the full data can be found in an important new book by Khuong Vu ``The Dynamics of Economic Growth: Policy Insights from Comparative Analyses in Asia ``.
Yes, certainly China’s economy is driven by the investment because every economy in the world is driven by the investment!
Q: Do you have the timetable about when China will catch up with the US?
A: Well there are two ways to measure that. The first one is to calculate in the comparable prices – technically known as parity purchasing powers (PPPs). That is relatively easy.
To understand why Western economists prefer use internationally comparable prices, rather than market exchange rates, for such calculations it is simply necessary to note that the RMB’s market exchange rate understates the size of China’s economy.
Let me give a very simple example to illustrate this. A can of diet coke costs me the equivalent of 5 yuan in London, while in China it is 2.5 yuan. But it’s stupid to say that a can of diet coke in London has really twice the value of a can of diet coke in China because they are exactly the same product. What it tells you is that official market exchange rate, as measured in diet coke, is undervalued.
The World Bank does similar calculations for a much wider range of products to come up with a parity purchasing power (PPP) measure for the size of China’s economy. If you do the calculation of PPPs, it’s easy to calculate that China will be the largest economy in the world sometime between 2017 and 2019.
There is a second question however – when will China become the world’s largest economy at market exchange rates? That depends not only on economic growth but also on the RMB exchange rate. Nobody can entirely accurately predict the exchange rate – if they could, by their operations in the foreign exchange markets they would easily become the world’s richest person! So China becoming the world’s largest economy at market exchange rates will be somewhat after it is the world’s largest economy in real terms –not a huge period of time, but definitely with some delay.