【CCTV】John Ross: To tackle the ‘two worries and three guarantees’ together to make up the outstanding weak points


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【CCTV】John Ross: To tackle the ‘two worries and three guarantees’ together to make up the outstanding weak points


Editor's Note: China will achieve the task of completely eradicating absolute poverty in 2020. China's achievements in poverty reduction have attracted worldwide attention. "China News" will focus on a number of measures on poverty reduction in Chinese characters and explore decisive strategies for poverty alleviation. The first episode “To tackle the ‘two worries and three guarantees’ together to make up the outstanding weak points” was launched on August 2, 2020. John Ross, a senior fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China (RDCY), said that China's poverty reduction is the greatest contribution to mankind worldwide.