Dean & Professor of Chongyang Institute
Deputy dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China and professor at the School of Finance at Renmin University of China
Research Fellow of Chongyang Institute
Research Fellow of Chongyang Institute
Associate Research Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China
Associate Research Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China
Associate Research Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China
Research Fellow of Chongyang Institute for
Research Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin
Research Fellow of Chongyang Institute
Deputy dean of Silk Road School and International College, Renmin University of China
Assistant Research fellow at RDCY
Research Fellow of Chongyang Institute
Research Fellow of Chongyang Institute
Associate Research Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China
Assistant Research Rellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China
Chief Economist of RDCY
Former Director of Economic and Business Policy of
Former Director-General of the Research Department of
Professor of School of International Studies, Renmin
Chairman, Bank of China International Research Ltd
Former Chief Representative of the Beijing Branch of
Ding Gang is a senior editor with People`s Daily.
Assistant dean of Chongyang Institute
Former researcher of Development Research Center
Chief Reporter of "Wenhui bao" Tehran Bureau.
Vice President of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
Resident Commentator of CCTV Business Review.
Former Vice Secretary General of China Banking
Professor and Director of the Center for China-US
professor of the School of Finance, doctoral supervisor
deputy editor in chief of Securities Daily
Professor of the School of Management, Beijing Normal
Honorary Senior Fellow of Chongyang Institute for
Professor of Financial School of Renmin University of
Professor of Business School of Renmin University of
Director of Monetary and Financial Department at
Research fellow and vice-director-general, Institute of
Associate Dean, School of finance, Renmin University of
Professor at Peking University`s School of
Dean of China Minsheng Bank Research Institute.
Director of Institute for Law and Finance, Central
Professor at China University of Political Science and Law.
Secretary-General of China Public Diplomacy
Chief Analyst, Shanghai Chongyang Investment Co.,
Associate Professor of China Center for Contemporary
Assistant professor of Department of Politics at the
Associate professor of Institute for International Strategic
director of the Center for Indian Studies at China West
Columnist on International Relations and Macro-
Associate professor of the School of International
Deputy Researcher at Institute for Finance and Banking, Chinese Academy of Social
Research fellow at International Forum on Globalization and Third World Network.
Technical Advisor (Energy) of Sustainable Development and
Senior Analyst of Shanghai Chongyang Investment
Former President of Slovenia.
Former Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan.
Former Prime Minister of Egypt.
Former Portugal Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy
Former Assistant Foreign Minister for International
Expert on China, Senior Fellow at the Department of
Director of G8 & G20 Research Group, University of
Economic Counselor of Central Bank of Turkey, Turkey.
Sinologist and Russian Political Commentator
The executive chairman of the Silk Road Chamber of
William Jones has been the Washington Bureau Chief for
Founder and President of Schiller Institute.
Assistant of the State Duma Deputy, International Advisor
Research Associate of Global Research (GR), Non-resident
Executive Director, Tricontinental Institute for
Intellectual leader and politician, a key architect of
Professor at the School of Advanced International
Secretary General, India China Economic and Cultura
President of the Center for Strategic Research, Advisor to
President of the Polish Information and Foreign
Deputy Director and Head of the European Program at Italian Institute for
Senior Research Fellow, Kazakhstan Institute for
Professor of Law, School of Law, KIMEP University in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Professor in Chinese Studies, Center for East Asian Studies,
Think-20 Coordinator of TEPAV in Turkey, Visiting
Research Fellow and Project Director in the G20 Studies
Visiting Scholar of Chongyang Institute for
Professor at the Law School of China University of Labor
Currently a Ph.D Candidate at Harvard University. She
Independent non-executive Director and Chairman of the