【No to the New Cold War】John Ross: We oppose a new cold war not for pro-China, but because US is anti-human


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【No to the New Cold War】John Ross: We oppose a new cold war not for pro-China, but because US is anti-human


Editor's Note: On 25 July, an online international meeting entitled "No to the New Cold War", organized by scholars and activists from more than 48 countries, was streamed live on several platforms. In view of the new cold war provoked by the United States, scholars at the meeting unanimously said that any form of new cold war is completely contrary to the interests of mankind, called on the United States to abandon its cold war mentality, supported the establishment of relations between China and the United States based on mutual dialogue, and committed to the unity of mankind. John Ross, a senior fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China(RDCY), participated the meeting and delivered a speech.