William Jones: President Xi was very clear, he is choosing the path of working multilaterally


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William Jones: President Xi was very clear, he is choosing the path of working multilaterally

Source: Xinhua Published:2020-09-23

William Jones: President Xi was very clear, however that he is choosing the path of working multilaterally, working with other countries,treating each country as equals, which is a basis of the United Nations operation.But he did indicate that we are facing a situation that we haven’t seen in 100 years. That has to do with, of course, the pandemic which we haven’t seen in 100 years with so many tensions between major countries, the united nations was created as a forum to resolve tensions between major countries, and it could served that role and should serve that role as we move forward.

William Jones is a Washington-based political analyst and a non-resident fellow of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China(RDCY).

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