Wang Wen: Beijing won't be worse than Wuhan five months ago


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Wang Wen: Beijing won't be worse than Wuhan five months ago


Source: YouTube    Published: 2020-06-15

Editor's note: It is now registering dozens of new infections for the second day in a row in Beijing. Russia's top international media "Russia Today" (RT) gave an exclusive interview with Wang Wen, the Executive Dean of  Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China (RDCY) on this issue. The following is the full text of the interview.

Host: China has locked on 11 more neighborhoods in Beijing to contain a new corona-virus outbreak linked to a food market in the capital. Chinese officials say the new cases were found at a second food market where several employees tested positive. It's reported that they are all linked to a market where an outbreak was registered last week. It was shut down on Saturday. Tens of thousands of nearby residents are now being tested. Lengthy queues formed near hospitals on a sports complex in Beijing as part of a mass screening program. The country's seeing a spike in figures after many weeks of reporting small numbers of new cases. It is now registering dozens of new infections for the second day in a row.

Wang Wen: A very warning news. Since the middle of the march, China has basically controlled a spread of the virus. Nowadays in China there is a voice that may be the second wave of the pandemic was coming, so because of this the Chinese government has not relaxed its precautions against the spread of the virus. China has accumulated sufficient experience against the corona virus, so most of the cities in Beijing wear masks every day. I believe that the outbreak in Beijing will not be more serious than that in Wuhan five months ago.