Source: Xinhua Published: 2015-10-15
Georgia, linking Asia and Europe, will be an active participant in the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by China, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Gharibashvili said on Wednesday.
He made the remarks during a meeting with Shohrat Zakir, head of China`s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region who is leading a Chinese delegation for a trade fair held in Tbilisi.
According to the Georgian government, the two discussed the significance of the Silk Road and Georgia`s historic role in a new modern context.
The prime minister also pledged that Georgia will serve as a linking country in the modern Silk Road and push for common prosperity to enhance cooperation with China.
Georgia is to hold the Tbilisi Silk Road Forum on Oct. 15-16. The forum is a joint effort by the Georgian government, the Chinese government and the Asian development Bank devoted to cultivating new economic, trade, transport and cultural connections.
Key Words: Belt and Road; Georgia; forum
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