Source: Xinhua Published: 2016-12-6
Serbia expects serious results from the Belt and Road Initiative, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in a brief interview with Xinhua recently, explaining Serbia stands to benefit from Chinese investments by increasing its exports and GDP growth.
Dacic, also the deputy prime minister of Serbia, said that the country sees the Belt and Road Initiative as most significant, and wishes to have the best possible relations with China both through cooperation within the Initiative as well as bilaterally.
"This initiative of the People`s Republic of China is maybe one of the most important ones in the whole world. It represents a result of deep consideration not only of Chinese political circles, but also scientific institutions," he said, adding that the cooperation includes areas of economy, infrastructure, communications, education, science, as well as cooperation between young generations.
"This, in a way, represents a global initiative approved and well received by a great number of countries including both EU members and countries that are not part of the EU, both EU candidate countries and those that are not candidates. I think that it is one serious initiative and that it will produce serious results in all areas," he said.
Dacic explained that the initiative is implemented in Serbia in two ways: through bilateral projects with China, as well as through the 16+1 mechanism of China and Central and East European countries.
He recalled that Serbia made agreements over several initiatives at the recent 16+1 summit in Riga. "Definitely, the most important agreement that has been arranged for past several years is the revitalization of the railway from Budapest to Belgrade, as well as its extension towards Thessaloniki and Athens, which is a way to connect with Chinese investments in Greece," Dacic said.
He added that there are great Chinese investments in other areas such as bridges, roads and energy facilities, mentioning the steel mill in Smederevo which was purchased this year by China`s Hesteel.
"Certainly one of the most important is the investment of Chinese company into the steel mill in Smederevo which will definitely contribute to the increase of Serbia`s export and GDP growth," Dacic explained.
He said Serbia and China are friendly countries and that the two sides agreed to establish a visa-free regime, which will, according to Dacic, most probably be put into force from Jan. 1 after it gets ratified in two parliaments.
"We wish to have best possible bilateral relations with China in all areas, and I expect a lot from this global initiative as well as from our good bilateral relations," Dacic said.
Key Words: Belt and Road; Serbia; China
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