Wang wen, the Executive Dean of RDCY introduced the new book on the symposium.
Helga Zepp LaRouche, one of the author of the book, delivered a speech on the symposium.
William Jones, one of the author of the book, delivered a speech on the symposium.
The symposium on “The Belt and Road Initiative: A Perspective of Sino-US Cooperation & Book Launch of From A Silk Road to A World landbridge” was held in RDCY On Sept. 29.
Two keynote speakers, Helga Zepp LaRouche, President of Schiller Institute, and William Jones, Washington Bureau Chief for the Executive Intelligence Review, are all senior fellows of RDCY.
"From A Silk Road to A World landbridge” was the first book written by American scholar to introduce China’s “Belt and Road” Initiative. The book has been translated and published by the Phoenix Publishing & Media Corporation, and will be released officially soon.
Key Words: Belt and Road; RDCY; book
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