Wang Wen: Trade between BRICS partners, Russia, China hit record highs


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Wang Wen: Trade between BRICS partners, Russia, China hit record highs


Source: MF    Published: 2022-09-08


Trade between BRICS partners, Russia and China, has been reaching record highs regardless of Western restrictions, Executive Dean of the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies (RDCY) Wang Wen updated RT on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok.

He stated that now is the best time to build up financial collaboration.

Wang also said that more nations seek to become members of BRICS, counting Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Afghanistan. “So, I think that means a new civilization model for emerging economies like China and Argentina because they want to rise up peacefully. These countries will bring to the world more cooperation and trade… I think we are in the new civilization age.”

The expert added that “Without the West the world still works and is doing very well,” mainly in terms of collaboration between Russia and China.

“Actually, nowadays the West is declining, it cannot dominate the world anymore,” Wang went on, noting that at the same time “the rest of the world, including China, Russia, Brazil, or the other emerging countries have different values and thinking, so they are gathering in Vladivostok to discuss the future which is very significant.”