Wang Wen: On the Strategic Opportunity Period in the New Era: Its Origin, Status Quo and Future


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Wang Wen: On the Strategic Opportunity Period in the New Era: Its Origin, Status Quo and Future



On the Strategic Opportunity Period in the New Era: Its Origin, Status Quo and Future

Wang Wen

中国人民大学,北京 100872

(Renmin University, Beijing, 100872)

要:至少到 2035 我国发展仍然处于重要战略机遇期,这是中共中央继 2002 年提出二十一世纪头二十年,对我国来说,是一个必须紧紧抓住并且可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期之后,对新时代中国发展环境作出的重大战略研判。本文梳理了中共中央研判战略机遇期的历史脉络,从外部与内部环境的角度客观厘清和全面挖掘了下一阶段中国的八个战略机遇,即美国相对衰落、西方内部矛盾、新兴国家崛起、科技革命效应,以及党的坚强领导、发展潜力激发、人民追求意愿、斗争经验积累等,并借此提出维护和延长战略机遇期的路径思考。


Abstract: At least until 2035, "China’s development is still in a period of important strategic opportunities." This is the new strategic judgement proposal from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, following the proposal in 2002 that "the first two decades of the 21st century, for our country, is an important period that must be firmly grasped and can make great achievements. This article sorts out the historical context of the CPC Central Committee's judgment on the "period of strategic opportunity", and objectively clarifies and comprehensively explores eight strategic opportunities for China in the next stage from the perspective of the external and internal environment, namely the relative decline of the United States, internal contradictions in the West, and the rise of emerging countries, the effect of scientific and technological revolution, as well as the strong leadership of the party, the stimulation of development potential, the people's will to pursue, the accumulation of struggle experience, etc., and to propose a path to maintain and extend the strategic opportunity period.

Key words: strategic opportunity period; ideological traceability; realistic basis; a century of changes

在中美博弈加剧国内经济下行压力加大以及新冠肺炎疫情持续冲击的背景下中国发展的 战略机遇期是否存在成为许多人的困惑对此2020 年党的十九届五中全会公报2021 3 中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和 2035 景目标纲要都明确指出 当前和今后一个时期我国发展仍然处于重要战略机遇期但机遇和挑战都有新的发展变化 一表述是中共中央继 2002 年首次提出二十一世纪头二十年对我国来说是一个必须紧紧抓 住并且可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期之后再次对新时代下中国发展环境作出的重大战略研 为未来一段时期的中国发展与对外交往工作提出了更高的要求剖析新时代的战略机遇期的源起现状与走势对认识当前中国面临的内外环境具有相当重要的现实意义对推进下一轮的深化改革与全面开放也具有极高价值的指导意义  

In the context of the intensified competition between China and the United States, the increasing downward pressure on the domestic economy and the continuous impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, whether there is a period of strategic opportunity for China's development has become a puzzle for many people. In this regard, the communiqué of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2020 and the "14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of Vision 2035" in March 2021 all clearly pointed out that China’s development is still in a period of important strategic opportunities, but there are new developments and changes in both opportunities and challenges during the current period and foreseeable future. This statement is the first time the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward since the 2002’s statement "the first two decades of the 21st century will be an important period of strategic opportunities for our country that must be firmly seized and can make great achievements". Once again, a major strategic judgment on China's development environment in the new era. It announced more demanding requirements for China's development and foreign exchanges in the future. Analyzing the origin, status quo and trend of the "strategic opportunity period" in the new era is of great practical significance for understanding the current internal and external environment facing China, and great instructional practice for advancing the next round of deepening reform and opening up.


1. The ideological traceability and policy inheritance of the "strategic opportunity period"

中国共产党人一直有辨识与抓住战略机遇的丰富经验与伟大实践从抗日战争和解放战争 时期准确判断全局扭转战略态势最终夺取全国胜利到新中国成立初期抓住美苏矛盾取得战 略突破善于把握并利用战略机遇,始终是中国共产党人在历史关口审时度势、取得事业进步的关键.

The Chinese Communists have always had rich experience and great practice in identifying and seizing strategic opportunities. From accurately judging the overall situation, reversing the strategic situation, and finally winning the victory of the whole country during the period of Against the Japanese Inviasion and the Chinese Civil War to seizing the contradiction between the United States and the Soviet Union to achieve strategic breakthroughs during the early days of the founding of New China. Good at grasping and utilizing strategic opportunities at historical juncture has always been the crucial part for the CCP to achieve progress.


Since the end of the Cold War, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China's thinking on strategic opportunities in the domestic and foreign environment can be roughly divided into three periods.

其一战略机遇期研判的洞察酝酿期20 世纪 90 年代初随着苏联的解体中国改革开 放和现代化建设处在新的重大历史关口国内外形势变化难以捉摸邓小平站在历史新高度审视 时局并作出了重要论述1990 3 邓小平同中央负责同志谈话时说:“世界上矛盾多得很...... 我们可利用的矛盾存在着对我们有利的条件存在着机遇存在着问题是善于把握”2 他还指出 国际上会有比较长时间的不爆发新的世界大战的和平环境“......要紧紧抓住经济建设这个中心 不要丧失时机......要利用机遇把中国发展起来”31990 12 邓小平再次就善于利用时机 解决发展问题提出:“国内外形势比我们预料的要好......这样保持五十年六十年社会主义中国将是不可战胜的

First, the insight and gestation period for the "strategic opportunity period". In the early 1990s, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, China's Reform and Opening Up and modernization drive were at a new major historical juncture, and changes in domestic and foreign situations were elusive. Deng Xiaoping reviewed the current situation from a new historical height and made important expositions. In March 1990, Deng Xiaoping said in a conversation with the relevant  comrades of the Central Committee: "There are many contradictions in the world... There are contradictions that we can take advantage of, there are favorable conditions for us, there are opportunities, and the question is to be good at grasping them.” He also pointed out that there will be a peaceful environment in the world where no new world war breaks out for a long time. We must take advantage of opportunities to develop China". In December 1990, Deng Xiaoping once again put forward on "making good use of opportunities to solve development problems": "The situation at home and abroad is better than we expected...and if this [situation] has been maintained for 50 or sixty years, socialist China will be invincible."

邓小平关于机遇”“时机的思考以及对国内外实际情况的精准分析对党的十四大召开 和社会主义现代化建设新局面的开启产生了深的影响

Deng Xiaoping's thoughts on "opportunity" and "opportunity" and accurate analysis of the actual situation at home and abroad had a profound impact on the convening of the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the opening of a new situation in the socialist modernization drive.

1992 10 党的十四大报告明确指出: “现在国内条件具备国际环境有利既有挑战更有机遇是我们加快发展的好时机”5 党中央通 过准确判断国际形势与中国国内发展的阶段性特征制定了正确的对外关系指导方针与对内发展 政策持续推动中国此后三十年的经济高速增长人民生活水平的飞速提升以及综合国力与国际 地位的快速上升

In October 1992, the report of the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly pointed out: "The domestic conditions are now available, the international environment is favorable, there are both challenges and opportunities, and it is a good time for us to speed up development." The stage characteristics of China's domestic development, the formulation of correct foreign relations guidelines and domestic development policies, continued to promote China's rapid economic growth in the next three decades, the rapid improvement of people's living standards, and the rapid rise of comprehensive national strength and international status.

其二战略机遇期研判的政策成形期2002 5 31 江泽民在中共中央党校讲话中 首次提出战略机遇期的概念当年 11 月党的十六大报告首次在中央文件中正式采用重要 战略机遇期的提法:“综观全局二十一世纪头二十年对我国来说是一个必须紧紧抓住并且 可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期”6 此后中央决策层均沿用了这个提法且对内外挑战严峻性 的重视也不断加强2007 年党的十七大报告表述道:“机遇前所未有挑战也前所未有机遇大 于挑战......要抓好和用好重要战略机遇期求真务实锐意进取继续全面建设小康社会加快 推进社会主义现代化完成时代赋予的崇高使命”2010 年党的十七届五中全会进一步指出:“ 合判断国际国内形势我国发展仍处于可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期既面临难得的历史机遇 也面对诸多可以预见和难以预见的风险挑战

Second, the policy formation period of the "strategic opportunity period". On May 31, 2002, Jiang Zemin first proposed the concept of "strategic opportunity period" in his speech at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In November of that year, the report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China officially adopted the formulation of "an important period of strategic opportunity" in the central document for the first time: "Looking at the overall situation, the first two decades of the 21st century, for our country, is a period that must be firmly grasped. An important period of strategic opportunity where we can live and make great achievements.” Since then, the central decision-making level has continued to use this formulation, and has continued to pay more attention to the seriousness of internal and external challenges. The report of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2007 stated: "The opportunity is unprecedented, the challenge is also unprecedented, the opportunity outweighs the challenge... We must seize and make good use of the important strategic opportunity period, be realistic and pragmatic, forge ahead, and continue to build a well-off society in an all-round way. society, speed up the promotion of socialist modernization, and complete the lofty mission entrusted by the times.” The Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2010 further pointed out: “Based on a comprehensive assessment of the international and domestic situation, China’s development is still in a period of important strategic opportunities that can make a lot of difference. It is a rare historical opportunity, but also faces many foreseeable and unforeseen risks and challenges.”

中国特色社会主义事业进入新时代重要战略机遇期的研判没有变但对机遇意识 风险意识的强调明显增多2012 年党的十八大报告强调:“我们要准确判断重要战略机遇期内 涵和条件的变化全面把握机遇沉着应对挑战赢得主动赢得优势赢得未来”32014 年中 央经济工作会议继续明确强调:“没有改变我国发展仍处于可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期的判 改变的是重要战略机遇期的内涵和条件”42015 10 面对深刻复变化的国际国内环境 习近平总书记在党的十八届五中全会上再次明确指出:“尽管国际国内环境发生了深刻复变化 我们发展重要战略机遇期的重大判断没有改变

As socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the research and judgment of the "period of important strategic opportunities" has not changed, but the emphasis on "awareness of opportunities and risks" has increased significantly. The report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012 emphasized: "We must accurately judge the changes in the connotation and conditions of the important strategic opportunity period, fully grasp the opportunity, deal with the challenge calmly, win the initiative, win the advantage, and win the future." The 2014 Central Economic Work Conference continued It is clearly emphasized: "The judgment that our country's development is still in a period of important strategic opportunities that can make great achievements has not changed, but the connotation and conditions of the period of important strategic opportunities have changed." At the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping clearly pointed out again: "Despite the profound and complex changes in the international and domestic environment, our major judgment on the period of important strategic opportunities for our development has not changed.

进入 21 世纪第二个十年党中央深刻认识到重要战略机遇期所面临的内外部条件与环 境都出现了诸多可能不利于中国发展的影响变量而中国也孕育和积累了大量新的发展优势 国发展长期面临”“共在”“统筹”“双出”“并行的辩证关系 这类表述在党中央的文件中频频出现由此可见“21 世纪头 20 结束后的战略机遇事宜开始 成为党中央的重要议题2017 10 党的十九大报告指出:“我国发展仍处于重要战略机遇期 前景十分光明挑战也十分严峻”62019 5 习近平总书记在主持召开中部地区崛起工作座 谈会时的讲话中再次明确指出:“我国仍处于发展的重要战略机遇期但面临的国际形势日趋错综 杂。我们要清醒认识国际国内各种不利因素的长期性妥善做好应对各种困难局面的 准备”7 战略机遇期之前加上一字作为前缀体现了以习近平同志为核心的党中央实 事求是沉着冷静的战略定力以及长期延续内外政策的战略毅力

Entering the second decade of the 21st century, the CPC Central Committee has deeply realized that the internal and external conditions and environments faced by the "important strategic opportunity period" have produced many influencing variables that may be unfavorable to China's development, and China has also nurtured and accumulated a large number of factors and new development advantages. China's development has long faced a dialectical relationship in which "crisis" and "opportunity" are co-located, "inside" and "outside" are coordinated, "disaster" and "blessing" are doubled, "competition" and "integration" are parallel. Such expressions are in the documents of the Party Central Committee appear frequently. It can be seen that the issue of strategic opportunities after the "first 20 years of the 21st century" has begun to become an important topic of the Party Central Committee. In October 2017, the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out: "China’s development is still in a period of important strategic opportunities, the prospects are very bright, and the challenges are also very severe." In May 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on the rise of the central region. Xi’s speech once again clearly pointed out: "China is still in a period of important strategic opportunities for development, but the international situation it faces is becoming increasingly complex. We must be soberly aware of the long-term and complex nature of various unfavorable factors at home and abroad, and properly deal with all kinds of unfavorable factors. Preparations for difficult situations.” The prefix “still” before the “period of strategic opportunity” reflects the fact-seeking and calm strategic determination of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, as well as the strategic perseverance for long-term continuation of domestic and foreign policies .

其三,战略机遇期研判的维护延长期。2020 年,“21 世纪头 20 结束之际,如何 护延长我国发展的重要战略机遇期被提上议事日程党的十九届五中全会公报对此表述首次 加了时间状语明确指出:“当前和今后一个时期我国发展仍然处于重要战略机遇期但机遇和 挑战都有新的发展变化”92021 3 ,《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划 2035 景目标纲要通过政策规划的方式采用了党的十九届五中全会公报中的同样表述

Third, the maintenance and extension period of the "strategic opportunity period" research and judgment. In 2020, at the end of the "first 20 years of the 21st century", how to "maintain and extend the important strategic opportunity period for China’s development" will be put on the agenda. The communiqué of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China added a time adverb to this statement for the first time, clearly stating: "At present and in the future, China’s development is still in a period of important strategic opportunities, but there are new developments and changes in both opportunities and challenges." In March 2021, the "14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of Vision 2035" adopted the same statement in the communique of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China through policy planning.

这说明在党中央看来至少到 2035 年前重要战略机遇期是会长期存在的 根据习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想学习问答一书的说明党中央是从国际国内环 境两方面的角度作出这一基本判断的:“从外部环境看作出这一基本判断有着重要依据...... 然国际环境日趋复杂,但仍总体于我有利时与势在我们一边”“从我国发展看作出这一基本 判断有着坚实基础......雄厚物质基础丰富的人力资本广阔的市场空间巨大的发展潜力和

This shows that in the view of the Party Central Committee, at least until 2035, the "period of important strategic opportunities" will exist for a long time. According to the book "Q&A on the Study of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era", the CPC Central Committee made this basic judgment from the perspective of both the international and domestic environment: "From the perspective of the external environment, there is an important basis for making this basic judgment. ...Although the international environment is becoming more and more complex, it is still in China’s favor as a whole, and the times and trends are on our side." "From the perspective of China's development, there is a solid foundation for making this basic judgment. ... material foundation, abundant human capital, broad market space, huge development potential and

显著的制度优势是当前和今后一个时期我国发展仍处于重要战略机遇期的坚定基础”1 可见从酝酿定型再到延长战略机遇期的研判体现了改革开放以来历任党和国家领 导人对内外时势的敏锐观察对现状的忧患意识以及对未来的前瞻思考这对中国发展战略的制 定与预期目标的制定发挥了至关重要的作用2 战略机遇期的认识不仅关系到中国发展全局更关系到社会主义事业的兴衰成败前途和命运正是基于对战略机遇期的准确研判全面把握与精准借力中国才能在 20 世纪 90 年代以来风云变幻艰难复的国际局势中透析有利因素从东欧剧变苏联解体亚太崛起 美国遏制等国际变局的缝隙中捕捉利好趋势从新一代科技革命中发掘提升国计民生推动高速 增长的发展动能

Remarkable institutional advantages are the firm foundation for China’s development at present and in the future, which is still in a period of important strategic opportunities. It can be seen that from brewing, finalization, and extension, the "strategic opportunity period" reflects the keen observation of the internal and external current situation, the sense of urgency of the current situation, and the forward-looking thinking of the future since the reform and opening up. It has played a vital role in the formulation of China's development strategy and the formulation of expected goals. The understanding of the "strategic opportunity period" is not only related to the overall situation of China's development, but also to the success or failure and the future destiny of the socialist cause. It is based on the accurate judgment, comprehensive grasp and precise borrowing of the "strategic opportunity period" that China can analyze favorable factors in the volatile, difficult and complex international situation since the 1990s, from the drastic changes in Eastern Europe, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the rise of powers in Asia-Pacific,  to the U.S. containment, China is able to capture favorable trends from the gaps in international changes, and discover the development momentum that improves the national economy and people's livelihood and promotes high-speed growth from the new generation of scientific and technological revolution.

问题在于近年来面临新冠肺炎疫情冲击经济增长放缓中美矛盾加剧加之一些执行部 门与地方政府对风险”“安全管控绝对化机械化中国发展中存在的多重影响因素使不少 民众对未来投资与发展前景的信心减弱2021 12 中央经济工作会议明确提出我国经济 发展面临需求收缩供给冲击预期转弱的三重压力其中之一的预期转弱就是源于人 们对国内外环境变化的担心随着美国将中国定位为最大战略竞争对手国际中国威胁论”“ 国责任论此起彼伏和国内经济发展三重压力的加大一些人开始怀疑战略机遇期是否 还存在甚至有人认为重要战略机遇期已提前结束了3 因此深刻认识并在社会舆论层面 广泛传播 21 世纪第三个十年仍然存在的重要战略机遇期对推动人们理性把握当前国内外形势 坚持深化改革与全面开放具有重要指导意义多讲讲战略机遇期既有助于缓解民众的焦虑, 也可能起到拉升未来预期的作用更有助于提醒各级党委政府社会各界市场主体实事求是地 挖掘客观存在的发展机遇

The problem is that in recent years, facing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, economic growth has slowed down, Sino-US conflicts have intensified, and some executive departments and local governments have absolute and mechanized control of "risk" and "safety". Many people's confidence in future investment and development prospects has weakened. In December 2021, the Central Economic Work Conference clearly stated that China’s economic development is facing the "triple pressure" of demand contraction, supply shock, and weakening expectations. Worry. With the United States positioning China as its "biggest strategic competitor", international "China threat theories" and "China responsibility theories" have emerged one after another, and the "triple pressure" of domestic economic development has increased, some people began to doubt whether the "strategic opportunity period" still exists. , and some people even believe that the "period of important strategic opportunities" has ended ahead of schedule. Therefore, to deeply understand and widely disseminate the “important strategic opportunity period” that still exists in the third decade of the 21st century at the level of public opinion is of great guiding significance for people to rationally grasp the current domestic and international situation, and insist on deepening reform and opening up in an all-round way. Talking more about the "period of strategic opportunity" will not only help alleviate the anxiety of the public, but also may play a role in raising future expectations, and it will also help remind party committees and governments at all levels, all sectors of society, and market players to seek truth from facts and development opportunities.


捕捉机遇是化解挑战与风险的重要前提战略机遇期不是要误导人们不理会挑 战与风险而是要让人们从困难与不易中找到务实的解决之道无论是从国际环境还是从国内现 实来看战略机遇的存在是实实在在的当然也需要我们正确予以把握:一方面要客观厘清对中国整体仍然有利的外部环境带来的战略机遇;另一方面要全面挖掘中国国内发展良机仍将长 期存在的重要战略机遇

Capturing "opportunities" is an important prerequisite for resolving challenges and risks. Talking about the "period of strategic opportunity" is not to mislead people to ignore challenges and risks, but to let people find pragmatic solutions from difficulties and difficulties. Whether from the perspective of the international environment or from the domestic reality, the existence of strategic opportunities is real, and of course we need to grasp them correctly: on the one hand, we must objectively clarify the strategic opportunities brought about by the external environment that is still favorable to China as a whole; On the other hand, it is necessary to fully explore important strategic opportunities that will still exist for a long time in China's domestic development opportunities.


From the perspective of the external environment, China has at least four important strategic opportunities.

一是在可预测的将来美国自身将长期处于政治大分裂经济大停滞社会大衰败与话语大 失信的状态在客观上形成对中国崛起相对有利的战略境况美国对华政策会不断滋扰中国发展 但无法凝结成全面遏制中国崛起的有效力量反而还能倒逼中国国内形成团结奋进的局面

First, in the foreseeable future, the United States itself will be in a state of great political division, great economic stagnation, great social decline and great distrust of discourse for a long time, which will objectively form a relatively favorable strategic situation for the rise of China. The US policy toward China will continue to harass China's development, but it cannot condense into an effective force to comprehensively contain China's rise. Instead, it can force China to form a situation of unity and progress.

美国两党严重分裂二者尽管都认为中国崛起对美国具有深度挑战但在怎么应对用什么 方式遏制强度如何等问题上并未达成共识2017 年特朗普就任美国总统以后美国先后用经贸战科技战挑拨中国周边摩擦人权与意识形态攻击等多种方式压制中国但都未能如愿 2021 中美贸易额再创新高对美顺差扩大多数人都认为美国对华贸易战已失败拜登就任 美国总统以来美国政府同样拿不出有效应对与遏制中国崛起的办法更值得关注的是美国政 治分裂导致制度失效社会分裂民主自由法治等美国赖以维系的国家价值观与政治话语受 到空前的内部质疑包括福山达利奥等政经界人士都预测美国否决政治泛滥可能 在未来爆发内战或国家崩溃12021 年下半年以来美国通胀率屡创 40 多年来新高暴露了 所谓经济复苏的假象2021 年中国的经济总量约为美国的 78%中国成为过去 130 年以来与 美国第一经济体地位差距最小的国家多数机构预计,未来 8 年左右,中国将超过美国成为世界 第一大经济体。从中长期看,时间仍在中国这边

The two political parties in the United States are seriously divided. Although they both believe that the rise of China poses a profound challenge to the United States, they have not reached a consensus on how to deal with it, how to use it, and how strong it is to contain it. After Trump took office in 2017, the United States has used economic and trade wars, technology wars, provoking frictions with China's neighbors, human rights and ideological attacks to suppress China, but all failed. In 2021, the trade volume between China and the United States will reach a new high and the surplus with the United States will expand. Most people believe that the US trade war with China has failed. Since Biden took office as US president, the US government has also been unable to come up with an effective way to deal with and contain the rise of China. What is more worthy of attention is that the political division in the United States has led to the failure of the system and the division of society. The national values and political discourse on which the United States depends, such as democracy, freedom, and the rule of law, are being questioned internally. Including Fukuyama, Ray Dalio and other political and economic experts have predicted that the "veto politics" in the United States is rampant, and there may be a "civil war" or national collapse in the future. Since the second half of 2021, the U.S. inflation rate has repeatedly hit a new high in more than 40 years, exposing the illusion of a so-called “economic recovery”. In 2021, China's economic aggregate will be about 78% of that of the United States, and China has become the country with the smallest gap with the United States' status as the No. 1 economy in the past 130 years. Most institutions predict that in the next eight years or so, China will surpass the United States as the world's largest economy. In the medium and long term, time is still on China's side.

二是西方国家间分裂内部矛盾恶化客观上为中国突破西方大封锁化解西方对华新冷 之势提供了纵横捭阖的战略空间美欧内部矛盾激烈寻求外交自主的法德两国不会拉着 欧盟全面跟随美国对华遏制政策;中东欧 17 国虽出现立陶宛马前卒式的反华势力但完全 不足以成气候英国日本澳大利亚加拿大等对美国政策亦步亦趋于在华经济利益巨大 国内反对遏制中国政策的声音高涨这些国家对华政策多少呈现表面上倒向美国实际仍与中 国交往骑墙派中英中日中澳中加贸易总额近年来连续上涨包括澳大利亚在内的 域全面经济伙伴关系协定(英文缩写为“RCEP”)也于 2022 年元旦正式启动这些都是典型例证

Second, the division between Western countries and the deterioration of internal conflicts have objectively provided a strategic space for China to break through the Western blockade and resolve the trend of the "new cold war" of the West against China. The internal contradictions between the United States and Europe are fierce, and France and Germany, which are seeking diplomatic independence, will not pull the European Union to fully follow the United States’ policy of containing China. Although Lithuanian “pawn”-style anti-China forces appear in the 17 Central and Eastern European countries, they are not enough to become a climate. The United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, Canada, etc. have followed suit with regard to U.S. policies. However, given the huge economic interests in China and the rising voices of domestic opposition to China’s policy of containing China, these countries’ China policies are more or less “on the surface, toward the United States, but in reality they are still engaged with China.” The "wall-riding party". The total trade volume between China, Britain, China, Japan, China and Australia, and China and Canada has been rising continuously in recent years. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (“RCEP”), including Australia, was officially launched on New Year’s Day in 2022. These are typical examples.

三是俄罗斯土耳其伊朗等新兴经济体长期制衡与牵制美国霸权的地区影响力为中国建 立温和灵巧的对外关系创造了更多腾挪的战略时间加之近 9 年推进一带一路建设中国 不仅结交了全球朋友也拓展了前所未有的外部空间2022 2 月爆发的俄乌冲突呈现拉锯战化 使俄罗斯与西方关系彻底恶化俄围绕后乌克兰危机的博弈将长期化;土耳其伊朗在中东 地区影响力的崛起都牵制了美国一部分精力一带一路建设重塑了中国作为崛起大国的外 部机遇使中国非但没有陷入像美国那样到处有人的国际反而有像巴基斯坦塞尔维亚 等在关键时刻力顶中国的许多真朋友

Third, emerging economies such as Russia, Turkey, and Iran have long-term checks and balances and containment of the regional influence of US hegemony, creating more strategic time for China to establish moderate and dexterous foreign relations. Coupled with the promotion of the “Belt and Road” construction in the past nine years, China has not only made friends around the world, but also expanded unprecedented external space. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict that broke out in February 2022 has turned into a tug-of-war, which has completely deteriorated the relationship between Russia and the West, and the game between the United States and Russia over the post-Ukraine crisis will be protracted; the rise of Turkey and Iran’s influence in the Middle East has restrained the United States. some energy. The construction of the “Belt and Road” has reshaped the external opportunities for China as a rising power. Instead of falling into the international dilemma of having enemies everywhere like the United States, China has many true friends like Pakistan and Serbia who stand up to China at critical moments.

更重要的是发展中国家在全球的经济份额持续上升2030 年前后将超过发达国家发展中 国家的议程将成为世界主流话语无论是联合国“2030 年可持续发展目标”(SDGs)还是拉丁 美洲 2040 景规划抑或是号召在共同价值观和共同命运基础上合力建设繁荣团结的非洲发展已成为各国战略的最大公约数1 无疑发展中国家出现了前所未有的政治觉醒 国主张的人类命运共同体理念尤其是疫情期中国在口罩呼吸机疫苗等物资出口与国际互助 中体现的大爱使中国越来越得全球人心美国皮尤调查中心在全球各国的历年调查数据显示 中国形象的好感度多次超过美国

More importantly, the share of developing countries in the global economy continues to rise, and will overtake developed countries around 2030. The agenda of developing countries will become the mainstream discourse in the world. Whether it is the UN's "2030 Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs), the "Vision 2040 for Latin America", or the call for "joint efforts to build a prosperous and united Africa based on shared values and common destiny", "development" has become the greatest common divisor of national strategies. Undoubtedly, there has been an unprecedented political awakening in developing countries. China's concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, especially China's great love in the export of masks, ventilators, vaccines and other materials and international mutual assistance during the epidemic, has made China more and more popular in the world. According to the survey data of the Pew Research Center of the United States in various countries around the world, the favorability of China's image has surpassed that of the United States many times.

四是中国在新一轮产业革命中的弯道超车使中国有史以来首次在工业革命浪潮中站在 世界的最前沿进而创造了技术与资本虹吸效应般的战略动能在前三轮工业革命中 国严重滞后当下的中国则在数字经济人工智能5G 研发超级计算纳米材料载人航天 智慧城市量子科学等多个领域都基本处在与发达国家的同一个阶梯位置有的领域甚至更为领 中国连续 9 年科研经费投入占据世界第二2022 年有望超过美国成为第一哈佛大学和剑桥 大学最新发布的研究报告伟大的竞争:21 世纪中国与美国的较量中明确指出:“中国科技在 快速上升在一些领域中国已超过美国;在其他领域中国将在未来 10 年赶超美国.”

Fourth, China's "curve overtaking" in the new round of industrial revolution has enabled China to stand at the forefront of the world in the wave of industrial revolution for the first time in history, thus creating a strategic kinetic energy like the "siphon effect" of technology and capital. In the first three rounds of the industrial revolution, China was seriously behind. At present, China is basically in the same ladder position as developed countries in many fields such as digital economy, artificial intelligence, 5G R&D, supercomputing, nanomaterials, manned spaceflight, smart cities, and quantum science. more advanced. China has ranked second in the world in scientific research funding for nine consecutive years, and is expected to surpass the United States to become the first in 2022. The latest research report released by Harvard University and Cambridge University, "The Great Competition: China and the United States in the 21st Century," clearly states: "China's technology is rising rapidly, and in some areas, China has surpassed the United States; Overtake the U.S. in the next 10 years.”

综上就外部环境的战略机遇看尽管存在日益增长与变化的外部挑战但不得不说大国 权力结构调整期科技浪潮领衔更替期和全球发展体系变迁期三期叠加发展中国家群体崛起, 合作、和平与复苏是各国诉求的最大公约数,中国仍然长期处在机遇大于挑战的重要时期3 我们不能被西方舆论对华的叫嚷以及一些国家个别对华不友好的声音或事件左右中国 在海外资产存量总额超过 8 万亿美元外部的一些磕磕碰碰在所难免以笔者在过去十多年对近 百国的长期追踪与对外交流的经验看必须自信地讲美国对华的动作与叫嚣多数还是雷声大 雨点小或是堂吉诃德式的政客表演不可能阻挡中国的长期发展

To sum up, as far as the strategic opportunities of the external environment are concerned, despite the growing and changing external challenges, it has to be said that the period of power structure adjustment of major powers, the period of technological wave-led replacement and the period of changes in the global development system are “superimposed in three phases”. With the rise of the Chinese group of countries, cooperation, peace and recovery are the greatest common divisors of the demands of all countries. China is still in an important period when opportunities outweigh challenges for a long time. 3 In this regard, we cannot be swayed by the "clamors" of Western public opinion against China and the voices or events of some countries that are not friendly to China. China's total overseas asset stock exceeds 8 trillion US dollars, and some external bumps are inevitable. Judging from the author’s long-term follow-up and foreign exchange experience with nearly 100 countries in the past ten years, it must be said with confidence that most of the actions and clamors of the United States against China are still “big thunder, little rain” or quixotic style performance. It's impossible to stop China's long-term development.


From the perspective of the internal environment, China also has at least four important strategic opportunities.

一是不断增强的党中央权威与党的领导力为中国下一步重大改革与开放政策的出台与落实 提供了他国无以比拟的战略能力中国特色社会主义进入新时代以来中国国家治理体系建设和 治理现代化的进程加快国内各类制度不断得以完善通过精准扶贫生态环保反腐打黑 控风险社会治理数字经济依法治国共同富裕等重大政策的实施中国民众对政府的拥护 社会的团结是任何发达国家都无法比拟的想推什么重大改革措施要集中力量做什么大事 国政府比任何时候任何国家都具备这个制度优势与领导能力

First, the increasing authority of the Party Central Committee and the Party's leadership have provided China with unparalleled strategic capabilities for the introduction and implementation of China's next major reform and opening-up policies. Since socialism with Chinese characteristics entered a new era, the construction of China's national governance system and the modernization of governance have accelerated, and various domestic systems have been continuously improved. Through the implementation of major policies such as targeted poverty alleviation, ecological environmental protection, anti-corruption, risk prevention and control, social governance, digital economy, rule of law, and common prosperity, the Chinese people's support for the government and social solidarity are unmatched by any developed country. The Chinese government has this institutional advantage and leadership ability more than any other country at any time that it knows what major reform measures it wants to push forward and what major events it needs to concentrate on doing.

二是经济规模巨大发展余地大的可能性不断被激发使中国持续发展具备他国无以比拟的 战略潜力中国继 2006 年成为世界第一外汇储备国2010 年成为世界第一制造业大国2013 跃居世界第一货物贸易大国2018 年成为世界第一贸易大国之后2020 年对外直接投资和吸引外资数额均首次超过美国跃居世界第一有望在近年内超过美国成为全球最大消费市场此外 中国还具有全球最完整规模最大的工业门类和工业体系有世界最多的受过高等教育或拥有各 类专业技能的人才即便如此中国发展潜力仍相当大如有 10 亿人没有坐过飞机获得大学 本科教育的人数比例仅约 5%而美国却有 25% 左右等等只要不断改革与开放国内外的生产 分配流通消费各个环节的行业垄断与地方保护被打破各地城市有机更新棚户改造适度 超前基建全面启动在消费投资城镇化数字经济绿色经济的发展空间中找到新一轮增长点 我们有理由相信中国经济仍然能在未来出现新的喷发之势.

Second, the possibility of huge economic scale and large room for development has been continuously stimulated, making China's sustainable development possess a strategic potential unmatched by other countries. After China became the world's largest foreign exchange reserve country in 2006, the world's largest manufacturing country in 2010, the world's largest trader in goods in 2013, and the world's largest trading country in 2018, China's foreign direct investment and attraction and the amount of foreign capital surpassed the United States and ranked first in the world for the first time, and is expected to surpass the United States to become the world's largest consumer market in recent years. In addition, China also has the most complete and largest industrial sector and industrial system in the world,  and has the world's largest number of talents with higher education or various professional skills. Even so, China's development potential is still quite large. For instance, 1 billion people have never been on a plane, only about 5% of the number of people with undergraduate education, while the United States has about 25%, and so on. As long as the reform and opening are continued, the industrial monopoly and local protection in all aspects of production, distribution, circulation, and consumption at home and abroad will be broken, and the organic renewal of cities, shantytown renovation, and moderately advanced infrastructure will be fully launched in various regions. Consumption, investment, urbanization, digitalization A new round of growth points can be found in the development space of economy and green economy. We have reason to believe that China's economy will still have a new eruption trend in the future.

三是中国人向往美好生活的意愿变得更为坚定,使中国未来高质量发展具备源于社会基层的 战略动力相比新中国成立初期当下的中国人更关切和在乎个人生活质量与物质水准;相比改 革开放初期当下的中国人也不愿意忍受污染腐败与不公而换得的快速经济增长这使中国经 济从速度规模型向质量效益型转变有了内生动力使国家出台的政策不断推动质量变革效率变 动力变革致力于建立党的十九大报告所提的绿色低碳循环发展的经济体系最终发展 成果更好地惠及全体人民不断实现人民对美好生活的向往比起 1978 年时中国仍是全世界最 贫穷的国家之一现在的中国已居世界第二大经济体根据国家统计局数据中国的居民年均 社会消费额约 4600 美元仅是美国的 1/4中国城镇人均住房面积约 40 平方米约是 1978 8.1 平方米的 5 但仍不足美国( 65 平方米) 2/3中国人均拥有小汽车仅有 0.21 为美国 人的 1/5中国城镇化率仅 57%比起美国 82% 的城镇化率相差甚远。2021 中国的森林覆盖 率已从 10% 提高到 23%提升幅度世界第一但与世界森林 32% 的平均覆盖率仍有较大差距.

The third is that the Chinese people's desire for a better life has become more determined, so that China's future high-quality development has a strategic impetus originating from the grassroots of society. Compared with the early days of the founding of New China, the Chinese people today are more concerned about the quality of life and material standards of individuals; compared with the early days of reform and opening up, the Chinese people today are also unwilling to endure the rapid economic growth in exchange for pollution, corruption and injustice. This has given endogenous impetus to the transformation of China's economy from a speed-scale type to a quality-benefit type, enabling the country's policies to continuously promote quality, efficiency, and power changes, and is committed to establishing the "green and low-cost" proposed in the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The economic system of carbon cycle development”, the final development results will better benefit all the people, and continuously realize the people’s yearning for a better life. Compared to 1978 when China was still one of the poorest countries in the world, China is now the second largest economy in the world. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the average annual social consumption of Chinese residents is about US$4,600, which is only 1/4 of that of the United States. The per capita housing area in urban China is about 40 square meters, about five times the 8.1 square meters in 1978, but still less than two-thirds of the United States (about 65 square meters). There are only 0.21 cars per capita in China, 1/5 of that of Americans. The urbanization rate in China is only 57%, which is far away from the 82% urbanization rate in the United States. In 2021, China's forest coverage rate has increased from 10% to 23%, the largest increase in the world, but there is still a big gap with the world's average forest coverage rate of 32%.

四是中国人近年来持续提升的道路自信以及不断与内外部风险斗争的经验积累为未来沉着 应对各类风险与挑战培养了大量战略人才 10 年来中国人在中国共产党的坚强领导下 效应对党内腐败生态环境恶化社会分化精准扶贫系统性金融风险防范新冠肺炎疫情防 控等一系列内部深度矛盾成功化解了经贸战科技战边境摩擦人权与意识形态压制以及 涉港涉疆涉藏涉海等一系列来自美西方霸权势力的外部压力一批又一批的中青年干部受 到洗礼而提升本领从可预见的将来看逐渐成为社会中坚层的“90 ”“00 对中国共产党 对走中国道路也空前自信3 下一代人爱国爱党的比例更高

Fourth, the Chinese people have continuously improved their self-confidence in the road in recent years and accumulated experience in constantly fighting internal and external risks, which has cultivated a large number of strategic talents for the future to cope with various risks and challenges calmly. Over the past 10 years, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese have effectively dealt with a series of deep internal conflicts, such as corruption within the party, deterioration of the ecological environment, social differentiation, targeted poverty alleviation, systemic financial risk prevention, and prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and successfully resolved them. Due to economic and trade wars, technological wars, border frictions, human rights and ideological repression, as well as a series of external pressures from the US and Western hegemonic forces involving Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Tibet, and the sea, batches of young and middle-aged cadres have been subjected to Baptism to improve skills. From the perspective of the foreseeable future, the "post-90s" and "post-00s" who have gradually become the backbone of society will also have unprecedented confidence in the Communist Party of China and in taking the Chinese path.The next generation has a higher proportion of patriots and party loyalists.

综上对内部战略机遇期的客观挖掘不是说要回避当前的风险挑战与国内问题而是说 当前中国自上而下自里到外自近及无一不蕴含着应对风险挑战与问题的底气我们对改 革与开放的步伐还可以更加快思想还可以更解放一些

To sum up, the objective excavation of the internal strategic opportunity period does not mean to avoid the current risks, challenges and domestic problems, but to say that China’s current top-down, inside-out, near and far all contain countermeasures. With the confidence of risks, challenges and problems, we can take a faster pace of reform and opening up, and our minds can be more emancipated.

习近平总书记强调:“我们党依靠斗争创造历史更要依靠斗争赢得未来”4 面对百年变局下 的挑战与风险增多我们不必谈风险”“挑战而色变更不必怕风险”“挑战而止步不前 风险挑战问题是永存在的我们要常怀远虑、居安思危也要时刻保持对战略机遇期的捕捉 维护与延长

General Secretary Xi Jinping has emphasized: "Our party relies on struggle to create history, and it must rely on struggle to win the future." In the face of increasing challenges and risks under a century of changes, we don't have to fear when talking about "risks" and "challenges" to change, let alone be afraid of "risks" “challenge" and let them stop us from making progress. Risks, challenges and problems will always exist. We must always be far-sighted, be prepared for danger in times of peace, and always capture, maintain and extend the period of strategic opportunities.

3. Thoughts on China's Path to Maintain and Extend the Period of Strategic Opportunities

剖析重要战略机遇期在当前和今后一个时期仍然存在的诸多国内外依据并不是回避对 日趋复杂、定性明显增加的国内外环境的深度研究更不是无视当下世界经济低迷全球化 逆流世界格局动荡和平遭受威胁的复外部环境相反总结此前重要战略机遇期的现实启 示并坚信重要战略机遇期仍在延长是推动全党全国进一步统一思想统一意志统一行动的需要 也是未来进一步团结带领全国各族人民夺取新时代中国特色社会主义新的伟大胜利的需要更是 始终把握新时代新征程中党和国家事业发展的历史主动权增强锚定既定奋斗目标与意气风发走 向未来的勇气和力量的需要具有重大现实意义和深历史意义

Analyzing the many domestic and foreign evidences that still exist in the period of important strategic opportunities in the "current and future period" is not to avoid in-depth research on the increasingly complex and increasingly unstable domestic and foreign environments, nor to ignore the current global economic downturn, a complex external environment with adverse currents, turbulent world structure, and threats to peace. On the contrary, summarizing the actual revelation of the previous important strategic opportunity period and firmly believe that the important strategic opportunity period is still extended is the need to promote the whole party and the whole country to further unify their thinking, will and action, and it is also the need to further unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to seize a new era in the future. The need for the new great victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics is also the need to always grasp the historical initiative of the development of the party and the country in the new era and new journey, and to strengthen the courage and strength to anchor the established goals and move forward with high spirits. [Such period of strategic opportunities] has far-reaching historical significance.

纵观近现代史中国至少两次错过重要战略机遇期15 世纪大航海时代开启明朝皇帝曾最 早派遣郑和七次下西洋却未将海外开拓转化为国内财富增长思想启蒙与技术革命的动力 而此后回归内向型发展最终错失原本能在中国最早实现人类近代以来文明升级的大好战略机遇 19 世纪下半叶清末洋务派曾提出师夷长技的主张发动洋务运动却在与保守派的争斗中 失败此后清廷不思变法盲目排外接连在甲午战争八国联军侵华战争中失利再次错失良机 最终成为落后挨打被外国列强瓜分势力范围的对象

Throughout modern history, China has missed important strategic opportunities at least twice. In the 15th century, the era of great voyages began. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty dispatched Zheng He to the Western Ocean seven times, but he did not turn overseas development into a driving force for domestic wealth growth, ideological enlightenment, and technological revolution. It is the first time in China to realize a great strategic opportunity for the upgrading of human civilization since modern times but China has missed it. In the second half of the 19th century, the Westernization faction in the late Qing Dynasty put forward the idea of "learning the skills of foreigners" and launched the Westernization Movement, but it failed in the battle with the conservative faction. Since then, the Qing court has not thought about reforms, blindly xenophobic, and successively lost in the Sino-Japanese War and the Eight-Power Allied Forces' invasion of China, missed the opportunity again, and eventually became the target of backwardness and beatings, and the sphere of influence was divided by foreign powers.

从美国 20 世纪崛起的历程看美国既能在第一次世界大战的后期巧妙地加入协约国集团而 成为战胜方还能在第二次世界大战珍珠港被偷袭后改变孤立主义政策转而成为反法西斯主 义领导国;既能在历次国际金融危机中均率先复苏还能在冷战中精巧地与苏联展开军备竞赛而 最终胜出美国从世界偏安一隅的小国崛起成全球霸主并保持 130 多年全球第一经济体的重要经 验是善于抓捕战略机遇善于在机遇把握中稀释风险

Judging from the course of the rise of the United States in the 20th century, the United States could not only subtly join the Allied Powers and become a victor in the latter part of World War I, but also change its "isolationism" policy after the attack on Pearl Harbor in World War II to become the leading country of anti-fascism; it can not only recover first in all international financial crises, but also ingeniously launched an arms race with the Soviet Union in the Cold War and finally won. The important experience of the United States, which has risen from a small country on the sidelines of the world to a global hegemony and maintained its position as the world's No. 1 economy for more than 130 years, is its ability to seize strategic opportunities and dilute risks while seizing opportunities.

近代中国在丧失机遇中遭遇风险与现代美国在机遇把握中稀释风险的两个正反经验 提醒我们在中华民族伟大复兴正处在离实现目标最近的时刻防范风险与把握机遇是一个硬币 的两面只看到机遇不注意风险就有可能盲目乐观一失策倒退数年;只防范风险不把握 机遇也有可能止步不前错失良机

The two positive and negative experiences of modern China "encountering risks while losing opportunities" and modern America "diluting risks while seizing opportunities" remind us that when the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is at the closest moment to the achievement of its goals, it is important to guard against risks and seize opportunities are two sides of a coin. If you only see opportunities and don’t pay attention to risks, you may be blindly optimistic and go backwards for several years. If you only guard against risks and fail to seize opportunities, you may stop moving forward and miss opportunities.

风险与机遇的辩证统一,是中国共产党作为百年大党仍风华正茂的重要经验回顾中国共产 党成长成功的百年进程从抗日战争到解放战争的胜利从新中国成立到改革开放的成功 相当大程度上就是党不断防范化解风险辨识捕捉战略机遇的进程因此以史为鉴,至少有三 点值得当下中国思考

The dialectical unity of risks and opportunities is an important experience of the Communist Party of China, which is still flourishing as a century-old party. Looking back on the 100-year history of the growth and success of the Communist Party of China, from the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression to the victory of the Chinese civil war, from the founding of the People’s Republic of China to the success of reform and opening up, to a large extent it is the process of the Party’s continuous prevention and mitigation of risks, identification and capture of strategic opportunities. Therefore, taking history as a mirror, there are at least three points worth thinking about in China today.

第一正确引导社会舆论积极塑造复苏机遇2022 年春中国遭遇新冠肺炎疫情的反复 经济下行压力进一步加大许多受到疫情冲击而遇到困扰甚至出现短暂休克的产业行业都面临 重新布局重新拓展的机遇宏观上多讲战略机遇期将会促进个体企业机构采取适度 超前扩张政策比如适度超前的基础设施建设适当宽松的货币与信贷政策适度前卫的消费行为适度风险的投资举动等进而保持社会各个领域的中高速增长汇集推动国家实现十四五 规划与 2035 景纲要的力量事实上2022 两会 2022 年中国经济增长目标设在 5.5%这本就是兼顾风险与机遇的务实之举对于现在媒体舆论中专家学者 V”所谈的 风险我们需要澄清一个问题即中国只要保持中高速的发展如债务信贷投资等一些风险 就是担心出来想象出来的

First, correctly guide public opinion and actively shape recovery opportunities. In the spring of 2022, China has experienced repeated outbreaks of the new crown pneumonia, and the downward pressure on the economy has further increased. Many industries and industries that have been hit by the impact of the epidemic and encountered difficulties or even short-term shocks are facing opportunities for re-distribution and re-expansion. Macroscopically speaking more about the "period of strategic opportunity" will encourage individuals, enterprises and institutions to adopt moderately advanced expansion policies, such as moderately advanced infrastructure construction, moderately loose monetary and credit policies, moderately avant-garde consumption behavior, moderately risky Investment actions, etc., so as to maintain medium-to-high-speed growth in all fields of society, and gather forces to promote the country's realization of the "14th Five-Year Plan and 2035 Vision Outline". In fact, the "two sessions" in 2022 set China's economic growth target at 5.5% in 2022, which is a pragmatic move that takes into account both risks and opportunities. Regarding the risks discussed by experts, scholars, and “big V” on social media and public opinion, we need to clarify a question, that is, as long as China maintains a medium-to-high-speed development, some risks such as debt, credit, investment, etc. are fear-mongering and imagining.

面对新时代以来中国发展内外环境发生的深刻变化我们需要坚信战略机遇期仍然存在是客 观事实,需要积极把握好机遇期并在社会舆论上作正确引导具体而言各级党委政府在强调防 风险抓安全的同时应适当理性与客观地讲讲战略机遇期这不是对局势的盲目乐观 是对未来具有针对性鼓劲不仅有助于宽松政策细节重燃发展激情释放经济活力回升社会 预期更能推动当前中国的国家事业转型与升级正如十四五规划和 2035 景纲要中所 指出:“准确识变科学应变主动求变善于在危机中育先机于变局中开新局抓住机遇 对挑战趋利避害奋勇前进.”

In the face of profound changes in the internal and external environment of China's development since the new era, we need to firmly believe that it is an objective fact that the strategic opportunity period still exists, and we need to actively seize the opportunity period and give correct guidance in public opinion. Specifically, while emphasizing risk prevention and safety, party committees and governments at all levels should talk about the "period of strategic opportunity" rationally and objectively. This is not blind optimism about the situation, but targeted encouragement for the future, not only It will help to loosen the details of the policy, rekindle the passion for development, release the economic vitality, restore social expectations, and promote the transformation and upgrading of China's current national undertakings. As pointed out in the "14th Five-Year Plan and 2035 Vision Outline": "Accurately recognize changes, respond scientifically, actively seek changes, be good at nurturing opportunities in crises, open new situations in changing situations, seize opportunities, and respond to challenges. Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and move forward bravely.”

第二敢于并善于对外斗争保持开放战略定力近年来大国博弈激烈中国与一些西方 势力尤其是对美斗争频繁美国还将中国视为唯一既有意愿又在经济外交军事科技上 有能力重塑国际秩序的国家”2多谈战略机遇期不仅是理性看待外部风险与挑战的重要体现 而且是坚持战略定力的重要依据还是引导全民开放视野放平心态做好自己的事情的重要动力 更是要努力从这些困境与挑战中寻求突破的重要思维路径对外斗争不是目的而是手段无论 是在政治外交意识形态领域还是在金融经贸话语权领域对外敢于斗争善于斗争的 目标都是应对当下挑战化解内外矛盾推动内外合作实现民族复兴3 对于影响中国崛起的 最大外部变量——美国我们需要保持平视之心态虽然目前的美国很难成为中国朋友 我们也不必将其推到人位置当然在敢于对外斗争的同时我们还要提升善于斗争的能力与 灵活性

Second, we must be brave and good at external struggles, and maintain our strategic focus on opening up. In recent years, the great power game has been fierce, and China has frequently fought with some Western forces, especially the United States. The United States also regards China as “the only country that has both the will and the ability to reshape the international order economically, diplomatically, militarily, and technologically”2. Talking more about the "period of strategic opportunity" is not only an important manifestation of rationally viewing external risks and challenges, but also an important basis for adhering to strategic determination, and an important driving force for guiding the whole people to open their eyes, relax their minds, and do their own affairs well. It is an important way of thinking to seek breakthroughs from these difficulties and challenges. External struggle is not an end but a means. Whether in the fields of politics, diplomacy, ideology, or finance, economy, trade, and discourse power, the goal of daring to fight and being good at fighting is to meet current challenges, resolve internal and external conflicts, promote internal and external cooperation, and achieve national rejuvenation. For the United States, the biggest external variable that affects China's rise, we need to maintain a "head-to-head" mentality. Although it is difficult for the United States to become China's friend at present, we do not need to push it to the position of an enemy. Of course, while daring to fight externally, we must also improve the ability and flexibility to be good at fighting.

面对外部现有霸权国对中国崛起的高度焦之心与全面遏制之势我们更需要有统筹国内国 泰然处之的战略底气与定力并通过全方位开放政策化解之这就需要在对外人员交往 融开放中外合作吸引人才等领域加快制度完善推动改革落实采取更多相对积极相对宽 松的政策因此党的十九届五中全会提出了加快形成以国内大循环为主体国内国际双循环 相互促进的新发展格局的重大战略部署中国越开放越强大就越要保持拥抱融入与引领世 界的态势保持国内发展的中求进可以说没有任何外部势力能够阻止中华民族的伟大复兴

In the face of the high anxiety of the existing external hegemons over China's rise and the tendency of comprehensive containment, we need to have the strategic confidence and determination to coordinate domestic and foreign countries and handle them with equanimity, and resolve them through an all-round opening-up policy. This requires accelerating system improvement in areas such as foreign personnel exchanges, financial opening, Sino-foreign cooperation, and attracting talents, promoting the implementation of reforms, and adopting more relatively active and relatively loose policies. Therefore, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China put forward a major strategic plan to "accelerate the formation of a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles promoting each other". The more open and strong China is, the more it must maintain a posture of embracing, integrating and leading the world, and maintaining stability and progress in domestic development. It can be said that no external force can stop the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

第三挖掘改革创新红利探索在全球拓展资源与市场当下的中国比任何时候都有能力 获取全球资金资源人才信息并使之服务于中华民族伟大复兴也比任何时候都有能力为解 决人类问题贡献智慧与方案把握战略机遇期既需要我们在国内不断挖掘改革红利 新红利也需要多从全球范围配置更大资源与更大市场在国际化数字化绿色化优质化 等方面寻找更强的增长活力中国下一轮经济增长的基础要立足于 14 亿人的国内市场更要 着眼于 75 亿人的世界大市场应抓住后疫情时代全球资源处于低成本洼地亟须并购整合的重 要战略窗口期在这一方面欧美国家及日本的企业与机构在全球的布局经验是值得借

Third, tap the dividends of reform and innovation, and explore the expansion of resources and markets around the world. At present, China is more than ever capable of acquiring global funds, resources, talents, and information and making them serve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is also more capable than ever of contributing wisdom and solutions to human problems. Seizing the "period of strategic opportunities" requires us not only to continuously tap the "reform dividend" and "innovation dividend" in China, but also to allocate more resources and a larger market from a global scale, and to achieve internationalization, digitization, greening, and quality in internationalization, digitization, and quality. Look for stronger growth vitality. The foundation of China's next round of economic growth must be based on the domestic market of 1.4 billion people, and it must also focus on the world market of 7.5 billion people. It should grasp the importance of low-cost global resources in the post-epidemic era and the urgent need for the strategic window of mergers and acquisitions. In this regard, the global deployment experience of companies and institutions in Europe, America and Japan are worth learning from.

为此需要进一步释放社会活力解放思想实现深化改革与全面开放由局部探索破冰 突围到系统集成全面深化的转变构建互利共赢多元平衡安全高效的开放型经济体系 断增强我国国际经济合作和竞争新优势从而有利于开创新时代中国改革开放的新局面

To this end, it is necessary to further unleash social vitality, emancipate the mind, and realize the deepening of reform and comprehensive opening up. "The transformation from partial exploration and breaking through ice to system integration and comprehensive deepening, to build a mutually beneficial, multi-balanced, safe and efficient open economic system, Continuously enhance China’s new advantages in international economic cooperation and competition", which is conducive to opening up a new situation in China's reform and opening up in a new era.

总而言之正如习近平总书记所强调:“历史从不等待一切犹豫者、观望者、懈怠者、软弱者。 只有与历史同步伐、与时代共命运的人,才能赢得光明的未来”2 战略机遇期永属于时代的勇 敢者奋斗者与探索者当然在世界进入动荡变革期与战略机遇期的两期交汇下中国发展中 的机遇与挑战仍将长期存在在当下关键时刻不断保持进取之心抓住机遇准确识变科学 应变主动求变居安思危保持战略定力中国将一定能实现民族复兴的最终目标

All in all, as General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "History never waits for all those who hesitate, wait and see, slack off, and those who are weak. Only those who keep pace with history and share the same destiny with the times can win a bright future." Strategic Opportunities This period will always belong to the brave, strugglers and explorers of the times. Of course, as the world enters a period of turbulent change and a period of strategic opportunity, opportunities and challenges in China's development will still exist for a long time. At the current critical moment, we will continue to maintain an enterprising spirit, seize opportunities, accurately recognize changes, respond scientifically, take the initiative to seek changes, be prepared for danger in times of safety, and maintain strategic focus. China will surely be able to achieve the ultimate goal of national rejuvenation.

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