Wang Wen: Evaluating the Xi-Biden Summit: Perspectives from Chinese academia on future Sino-U.S. relations


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Wang Wen: Evaluating the Xi-Biden Summit: Perspectives from Chinese academia on future Sino-U.S. relations


Source: Ginger River Review    Published: 2023-11-21

The Xi-Biden summit has captivated global attention over the past week. How does the Chinese academic community view this historic meeting? What are Chinese scholars' perspectives on the potential developments in Sino-U.S. relations following the meeting?

I have gathered the views of six Chinese experts post-summit, who are ZHENG Yongnian, WU Xinbo, WANG Yiwei, WANG Wen, SU Ge, SHEN Yi, either from their interviews or published articles. Due to some readers expressing a desire for brevity in this newsletter, I have selected and translated three key points from each scholar's full interview or article.

1. Prof. ZHENG Yongnian 郑永年, the Presidential Chair Professor and the Founding Director of the Advanced Institute of Global and Contemporary China Studies (GCCS), the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK-SZ),

Source: Xiakedao, a social media account run by the overseas edition of the People's Daily

  • 中美之间广泛的经济关系是资本逻辑使然。即便通过一时的行政干预减少直接交往,结果呢,美国和越南、墨西哥的贸易额猛增,中国和这两国的贸易额也猛增,商品不过借个道而已。事实证明,资本和经济的规律不是过度政治化的政策能改变的。

The extensive economic relationship between China and the United States is a result of the logic of capital. Even if direct exchanges are reduced because of temporary administrative interventions, the outcome is that trade between the United States and countries like Vietnam and Mexico has surged, and so has China's trade with these two countries. [GRR’s note: Weijian Shan, one of the most influential private equity figures in Asia, wrote an article on this issue] In essence, goods are merely taking a different route. Reality has shown that the laws of capital and economics cannot be altered by excessively politicized policies.

  • 这次元首会晤的一些细节很有意思,网友也爱看。比如拜登给习主席看38年前访问旧金山的老照片,夸中国的红旗车漂亮,这都很好,因为这是人之常情。不见面不可能有这些。习主席也说了,跟拜登总统认识很多年了,谈问题都是直来直去的。这都很有人情味。

Some details of this Xi-Biden summit are quite interesting and popular with Chinese netizens. For instance, Biden showing President Xi an old photo from his visit to San Francisco 38 years ago, complimenting the Chinese Hongqi (meaning Red Flag in Chinese) car, all of which are good because they reflect common human sentiments. Such interactions are not possible without face-to-face meetings. President Xi also mentioned that he has known President Biden for many years and their discussions have always been straightforward. All these add a human touch.

  • 美国一些人喜欢制造敌人,好像不同的政治制度就一定会对美国利益构成威胁,如果两国间的直接交流多起来,这些过于政治化的言论就会没有市场。很多来过中国的美国人就不一样,他们对中国的认识不是认知战塑造的那样。

Some people in the United States like to create enemies, as if different political systems are bound to pose a threat to American interests. If there is more direct communication between the two countries, these overly politicized statements will lose their audience. Many Americans who have visited China have a different perspective; their understanding of China is not shaped by the so-called cognitive warfare.

2.Prof. WU Xinbo 吴心伯, Dean of the Institute of International Studies and Director of the Center for American Studies at Fudan University.

Source: Global Times

  • 这次会晤是拜登执政以来中美两国间最重要的外交事件,有助于推动处在转型期的中美关系的目标管理与过程管理,有助于界定中美博弈的边界。

This meeting is the most important diplomatic event between China and the United States since Biden took office. It is conducive to promoting the goal and process management of Sino-US relations during this transitional period and helps to define the boundaries of the Sino-US competition.

  • 中方提出的相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢的原则并未被美方全部接受。当前美方仍坚持认为中美正处在激烈的竞争中,美方会继续加强自身实力并联合盟友与伙伴同中国开展竞争。

The principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation proposed by the Chinese side have not been fully accepted by the U.S. side. The U.S. still maintains that it is in fierce competition with China and will continue to strengthen its own capabilities and collaborate with allies and partners in competing with China.

  • “稳定”成为中美双方的阶段性共识。从两国关系变动不居的现实看,稳定确乎是现阶段一个值得共同努力的重要目标,是管理两国关系的当务之急。

"Stability" has become a temporary consensus between China and the U.S. Given the ever-changing nature of the bilateral relations, stability is indeed an important goal worth striving for at this stage and is an urgent task in managing the relationship between the two countries.

3.Prof. WANG Yiwei 王义桅, Jean Monnet Chair professor, Director of the Institute of International Affairs, and Director of the Center for EU Studies at Renmin University of China.

Source: China News Service

  • 美国政坛目前分化明显,又面临2024年的大选,所以很难实施一些重大举措,诸如取消对中方不合理关税、取消对中国科技企业打压等。

The current political landscape in the United States is clearly divided, and with the 2024 elections approaching, it is difficult to implement some major actions, such as lifting the unreasonable tariffs on China and stopping the suppression of Chinese technology companies.

  • 不过,中美在应对气候变化、新能源发展、人工智能等诸多方面,都有广阔的合作前景。将上述这两个问题分开处理,就是这次会晤很重要的成果。

However, China and the United States have broad prospects for cooperation in addressing climate change, developing new energy sources, artificial intelligence, and many other areas. Treating these issues and issues such as tariffs and technology export control separately is an important outcome of this meeting.

  • 尽管一些旧的机制短时间难以恢复,但中美双方可以在一些新兴领域寻求机制化合作,这是非常重要的。

Although some of the old mechanisms may be difficult to restore in the short term, China and the United States can seek institutionalized cooperation in some emerging fields, which is very important.

4.Prof. SHEN Yi 沈逸, Department of International Politics, Fudan University


  • 这次的缓和更多是气氛节奏上的缓和,但对于中国来说,这样的缓和可以消除一些舆论市场上的错误传言。有一些力量正在用各种方式利用和散播中美之间的紧绷态势,而资本市场上的一些人恰恰没有独立判断的能力,很容易受到蛊惑和恐吓,缺乏必要的意志。对于中国来说,我们需要稳定这样一种情绪。

The easing this time is more about the atmosphere and tempo, but for China, such a relaxation can dispel some of the erroneous rumors circulating in the public opinion field. There are forces that are exploiting and spreading the tense situation between China and the U.S. in various ways, and some in the capital market lack independent judgment, easily swayed by deception and intimidation, and lack necessary resolve. For China, it's important to stabilize this kind of sentiment.

  • 我们要冷静处理分歧和意外,其中反面的例子就是之前的“流浪气球”事件。然后就是要共同推进利益合作:气候变化,人工智能、贸易、金融等领域恢复或者是建立的新机制,具体开展合作,比如说禁毒,中国明确表达愿意配合,这是中方善意的表达,我们也希望得到善意的回应。

China and the United States need to calmly handle differences and surprises. A negative example of this was the previous 'balloon' incident. Then there's the need to jointly promote cooperative interests: in areas like climate change, artificial intelligence, trade, finance, etc., either restoring or establishing new mechanisms and specifically carrying out cooperation. For instance, in fentanyl control, China has clearly expressed its willingness to cooperate, which is a sign of good faith from China, and we hope for a good-faith response from the U.S. side in return.

  • 中美关系现在已经进入到了一个全新的阶段,不管用什么方式进行描述,其核心特征就是伴随双方实力对比和发展势头的整体变化,中方开始对美方进行平视,更加自信、从容,更加清晰明了的向世界展现出了中国的格局、气度、战略和胸怀。

Sino-U.S. relations have now entered a new phase. Regardless of how it's described, its core characteristic is that with the overall change in the balance of power and development momentum between the two sides, China is beginning to look at the U.S. as an equal, with more confidence and composure, and is more clearly and distinctly showing the world China's pattern, demeanor, strategy, and breadth of vision.

5.Dr. SU Ge 苏格, former President of China Institute of International Studies (CIIS);former Co-Chair of Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), and Chairman of PECC-CHINA.

Source: The Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding (iGCU) of Peking University

  • 中美两国合作固然难以解决世界上的所有问题,但对解决所有世界性问题都必不可少。

Cooperation between China and the United States, although not a solution to all the world's problems, is indispensable for resolving all global issues.

  • 中美两国力量对比趋近,战略态势扭转,客观决定两国战略竞争和博弈的一面在上升。

The narrowing power gap between China and the United States and the reversal of strategic situations objectively determine the rising aspect of strategic competition and gaming between the two countries.

  • 随着综合国力的提升和全方位外交的开展,中国充分展现了道路、理论、制度、文化方面的自信,对中美关系之塑造力也不断增强,应该也必须有自己的战略定力和耐心 ...... 中国也只有保持稳定,不断发展、壮大自己,才能维护和发展好中美关系。

With the enhancement of comprehensive national power and the development of all-around diplomacy, China has fully demonstrated its confidence in its path, theory, system, and culture. Its influence on shaping Sino-U.S. relations is also growing. China should and must have its own strategic focus and patience ... Only by maintaining stability, continuously developing, and strengthening itself, can China maintain and develop Sino-U.S. relations effectively.

6.Dr. WANG Wen 王文, Executive Dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China

Source: Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China

  • 许多外国人比中国人更在乎中美关系的走向,更关切两个大国互动的一些细节。相比之下,现在越来越多中国人开始处事不惊地看待中美博弈,这也恰恰是我们应有的对美心态。

Many foreigners are more concerned than Chinese people about the direction of Sino-U.S. relations and are more attentive to the details of interactions between these two major powers. In contrast, an increasing number of Chinese people are beginning to view the Sino-U.S. competition with a sense of calm, which is exactly the attitude we should have towards the United States.

  • 过去五六年的贸易战、科技战说明,美国会对中国有影响,但美国不能把中国怎样。美国改善对华政策,可能会对中国发展有利,但并不能带来颠覆性地推动中国经济高速增长;美国继续打压中国,可能对中国不利,但也不可能压垮中国。

The trade and technology wars of the past five or six years have shown that while the United States can influence China, it cannot dictate to China. An improved U.S. policy towards China might be beneficial for China's development, but it won't bring about a revolutionary boost to China's rapid economic growth; continued U.S. pressure on China might be detrimental, but it is unlikely to crush China.

  • 中国应该有更多对美国的“接触”策略。要让更多中国人不设限地接触美国人,让更多美国人进入中国。越接触中国,可能会让对方更知道中国的国家实力与社会便捷,也更能理解中国的不易与艰辛。对此,在各个层面上改革外事报批制度,便利化中美人文交流,克服各种条件鼓励中美民间交流,变得越来越迫切。

China should adopt more strategies of “engagement” with the United States. There should be more unrestricted interactions between Chinese and American people, and more Americans should be encouraged to enter China. Increased contact with China may lead others to better understand China's national strength and societal conveniences, as well as the difficulties and hardships China faces. In this regard, reforming the foreign affairs approval system at all levels, facilitating Sino-U.S. cultural exchanges, and overcoming various conditions to encourage grassroots Sino-U.S. exchanges are becoming increasingly urgent.