【2021-1-18】Shi Junzhi: The era of the Weighing Currency


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【2021-1-18】Shi Junzhi: The era of the Weighing Currency


The era of the Weighing Currency

When:  20:00, Jan.18(Beijing time,UTC+8)

Mr. Shi Junzhi, Doctor of History in School of History, Beijing Normal University, Doctor of Law Doctor in Renmin University of China Law School, Doctor of Economics in Tsinghua University PBC School of Finance. He is a researcher of Institute of Finance, Distinguished researcher of the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Senior Fellow of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China, Vice President of the China Optimization Society of Capital Construction (COSOCC), Vice President of The Association for promotion of West China Research and Development. He is also the Director, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor of the Research Center for the History of Currency Legal System in South China University of Technology.

Lecture Content:

1. Before the birth of coins, the exchange of commodities had already prospered. During the process of the commodity exchange, the weighing currency, which is called metage coins, took a significant role in the value scale and circulation function.

2. The clay tablets and codes unearthed from Mesopotamia recorded reliable information about the long-term existence, development, and evolution of the weighing currency in the Mesopotamian area.

3. The stone carvings, enamels, and ancient documents unearthed from the four ancient civilizations proved that the eras of the weighing currency in those areas were almost identical to those in Mesopotamia.

4. The weighing currency in ancient China occasionally circulated in parallel with the quantitative currency. This situation continued until the abolition of “Liang” and the achievement of “Yuan” in 1933.

New Book Release:On the Currencies of Ancient Countries in the World

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