【2020-07-24】Ju Jiandong: On Five Stages of Sino-US Relations


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【2020-07-24】Ju Jiandong: On Five Stages of Sino-US Relations


The RDCY Series online live lectures on "In depth understanding of China", Lecture 5.

On Five Stages of Sino-US Relations

When: July 24th (Friday) 20:00 (Beijing time, UTC+8)

Ju Jiandong, Chang Jiang Scholar of the Chinese Ministry of Education, Unigroup Chair Professor at PBC School of Finance in Tsinghua University, Director of Center for International Finance and Economic Research (CIFER) of Tsinghua NIFR, Director of Research Center for International Digital Capital(IDC) of Tsinghua IFR.

Main Points:

(1) From 1949 to 2049, China-U.S. relations can be divided into five stages.

(2) Right now, the competition between China and the U.S. is in the third stage.

(3) Three factors could determine the China-U.S. relations in the future: China-U.S. cultural(political) identity; Relative strength; The influence of third country.