【2020-09-11】Zhang Chengsi: The Financialization Logic of Great Power


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【2020-09-11】Zhang Chengsi: The Financialization Logic of Great Power


The RDCY Series online live lectures on "In depth understanding of China", Lecture 12.

The Financialization Logic of Great Power

When: September 11th (Friday) 20:00 (Beijing time, UTC+8)

Zhang Chengsi, Deputy Dean of School of Finance and Economics, Renmin University of China,Ministry of Education"Chang Jiang Scholar" Chair Professor,the second term commissioner of National Financial System Youth Association。Professor Zhang Chengsi has published more than 50 academic articles as the independent author and first author in Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of International Money and Finance, International Journal of Central Banking.

Main Points:

(1)How did the debates between economic schools affect national policy decision-makers?

(2)How did the macro and micro-financial theory facilitate the financialization of enterprises?

(3)How did the macro and micro financialization promote the financialization of middle-level commodities?

(4)How to understand the impact and impact of financialization?

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