【2021-7-21】The Past 100 Years: China, the West and the World Online International Forum


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【2021-7-21】The Past 100 Years: China, the West and the World Online International Forum


The Past 100 Years: China, the West and the World Online International Forum

The last 100 years have seen dramatic changes in the relation between the West and China. From 1921-1945 China was chiefly seen by the West as an ally against Japan’s militarist aggression. Then from 1949-1972 the US launched cold, and hot (Vietnam, Korea), wars involving China. In 1972 Nixon made his dramatic trip to Beijing starting 40 years of overall US-China détente. Then, from 2012, the US launched the ‘Pivot to Asia’, a clearly aggressive policy against China. This was deepened under Trump and Biden by an open US new cold war against China.

What lies behind these dramatic shifts in US policy to China? How has China responded? What are the chances to end this cold war and return US-China relations to a path of cooperation?

These are among the questions that will be discussed by leading Chinese and Western experts on China and its international relations at a China-West webinar on 21 July at 9am US Eastern, 9pm China, 2pm Britain.

Hosts: Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China (RDCY)

No Cold War

Organizer: Global Governance Research Center, Renmin University of China

Starting Time & Date: Wednesday July 21, 2021

21:00 China Standard Time; 09:00 US Eastern Standard Time; 14:00 British Time

Platforms: live broadcast via Zoom, YouTube, Weibo, bilibili

Language: English


(Running order in Chinese time)

20:30-20:55 Organizers and speakers’ login online for sound and tech check

21:00-21:07 Introduction by chair John Ross, Senior fellow of RDCY

Chongyang Institute Report Release

21:07-21:17 Chongyang Institute report release, ‘Chinese and Foreign Scholars views on the Centenary of the Communist Party of China’, Wang Wen, Executive Dean of RDCY.

Discussion - Analysis of the evolution and impact of China, the West and the world over the past 100 years

21:17 – 21:28  Martin Jacques, Non-resident Senior Fellow of RDCY, senior fellow of Department of Politics and International Studies, Cambridge University, author of ‘When China Rules the World’ (UK)

21:28 – 21:39 Liu Xin, CGTN Host, China Forum expert (China)

21:39 – 21:50 Vijay Prashad, Executive Director, Tricontinental Institute for Social Research, Non-resident Senior Fellow of RDCY (India)

21:50 – 22:01  Radhika Desai, Professor, Department of Political Studies, University of Manitoba (Canada)

22:01 – 22:12  Yury Tavrovsky, Head of the “Russian Dream and Chinese Dream” Research Center of the Izborsk Club, Moscow (Russia)

22:12 – 22:33  Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report (US)

22:33 – 22:44  Jaya Josie, Visiting Professor, Zhejiang University International Business School (ZIBS) (South Africa)

22:44 – 22:50 Closing remarks by Wang Wen, Executive Dean of RDCY

No Cold War YouTube live broadcast link:



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