Ding Gang on Global Times


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Ding Gang on Global Times


Ding Gang is a senior editor with People's Daily, and currently a senior fellow with the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China. This is his column on Global Times.

2024-03-27 Ding Gang: Specter of Dr Fu Manchu still influences UK’s modern Sinophobia

2024-02-28 Ding Gang: Regional conflicts contribute to US arms sales, jobs

2024-02-21 Ding Gang: Garment plants show China’s economic transformation

2024-02-07 Ding Gang: Why Western perception of China should be reshaped

2024-01-10 Ding Gang: Revisiting the legacy of Ping-Pong Diplomacy

2024-01-03 Ding Gang: To Washington: Don’t let fear of China prevail

2023-12-2Ding Gang: Controlling technology transfer to counter India's illegal treatment toward Chinese companies

2023-12-20 Ding Gang: Shadow of Chinese Exclusion Act lingers in US strategy toward China

2023-12-13 Ding Gang: Crucial for China to make good use of its substantial talent pool

2023-12-06 Ding Gang: Yiwu’s success disproves US decoupling tactic

2023-11-29 Ding Gang: US attempt to break Chinese 'rice bowl' will backfire

2023-11-22 Ding Gang: China’s economic development through lens of education

2023-11-15 Ding Gang: The key to mutual trust between China and the US lies in understanding CPC's development perspective

2023-11-08 Ding Gang: What drives the revival of the ancient Silk Road

2023-11-01 Ding Gang: Chinese ALS patient's journey highlights importance of China-US cooperation

2023-10-25 Ding Gang: Observe West’s view on China from Dunhuang

2023-10-18 Ding Gang: Jiayu Pass a window to see how the BRI provides a strong impetus for regional cooperation, development

2023-10-11 Ding Gang: Israeli-Palestinian conflict fuels US Islamic hatred

2023-09-27 Ding Gang: Ningxia an epitome of China's green transition

2023-09-20 Ding Gang: Unfair treatment of Chinese firms will backfire on EU

2023-09-13 Ding Gang: Huawei shows resilience of Made-in-China

2023-09-06 Ding Gang: Huawei’s success: beyond tech, about values

2023-08-3Ding Gang: Can a new track for China-US relationship be established?

2023-08-23 Ding Gang: A long, centennial China-US battle of endurance

2023-08-16 Ding Gang: Typical Western economic study misses real 'vigor' of Chinese people

2023-08-09 Ding Gang: China should unleash the spirit of struggle in the 'Third Wave' to lead the 'Fourth Wave'

2023-08-02 Ding Gang: Washington will grow increasingly agitated as its ‘Whack-A-Mole’ containment policy exhausts

2023-07-26 Ding Gang: US should clear up bombs it left in Laos before questioning China's influence there

2023-07-19 Ding Gang: Let BRI projects take root at grass-roots level

2023-07-12 Ding Gang: US dropped bombs in Laos, China builds railways

2023-07-05 Ding Gang: China-Laos Railway empowers locals, instills hope

2023-06-29 Ding Gang: Obama is right, India's development can't go far without resolving ethnic issues

2023-06-14 Ding Gang: Yunnan railroad proves Western colonizers never brought human rights to local people

2023-06-07 Ding Gang: SW China’s devt shines modernization light on Zomia

2023-05-31 Ding Gang: Yunnan farmers escape poverty by selling coffee beans to Europe

2023-05-24 Ding Gang: Rural youngsters in China aim moving into the light of development

2023-05-10 Ding Gang: AI has a political stance, associated with ideology

2023-05-03 Ding Gang: History of world coffee development makes a U-turn in China

2023-04-26 Ding Gang: Ximeng embodies a Chinese modernization story

2023-04-19 Ding Gang: When Nabob's descendants once again think of kowtow

2023-04-12 Ding Gang: Great potential for China-Brazil cooperation on Amazon conservation

2023-04-05 Ding Gang: Under current 'democratic' electoral system, more Trumps could be elected

2023-03-29 Ding Gang: No human rights for those gunned down in US

2023-3-23  Ding Gang: Even if a TikTok is killed, more Tiktoks will rise

2023-1-11  Ding Gang: My inspiration from rereading IBM Watson Jr.’s autobiography

2022-12-29 Ding Gang:Made in China has a lasting global benefit

2022-12-21 Ding Gang: Dutch apology over slave trade a belated recognition of its past dark history

2022-12-15 Ding Gang: West should make up for the knowledge of the essence of China-Arab cooperation

2022-12-08 Ding Gang: In global supply chain restructuring, China’s advantage is manpower

2022-12-01 Ding Gang: US disrupting supply chain shakes up international relations

2022- 11-17 Ding Gang: US needs to understand reality of China's development

2022- 11-10 Ding Gang: Has US institution reached a watershed moment? 

2022- 11-04 Ding Gang: Washington needs to take real actions to put out fire it has started with China

2022-10-27 Ding Gang: Move to devastate China's chip industry will backfire on Washington

2022-10-20 Ding Gang: Swedes’ rising support for far right driven by sense of crisis in ideology, or Swedish culture

2022-10-13 Ding Gang: Europe overshadowed by ghost of nukes again

2022-09-30 Ding Gang: Iphone transfer to India a test of US ‘decoupling’

2022-09-15 Legacy of British colonialism will drag on long after Queen Elizabeth II

2022-09-08 Why the West has been nervously forecasting when China's economy will overtake US’

2022-08-25 Breaking through US’ siege depends on Made-in-China reaching outward

2022-08-18 Will the US start a war against China?

2022-08-11 China must play to its strengths to resist US chip coercion

2022-08-08 Pelosi's visit will be a turning point in China's US strategy

2022-07-28 China-bashing a tragedy for 10 Downing Street

2022-07-21 The world must move past 'spheres of influence'

2022-07-14 Japan shouldn’t bring Cold War rearmament to Asia

2022-07-07 US is moving from being small government to anti-government

2022-07-01 EU's 'moral support' for Ukraine masks a country beset by problems

2022-06-23 ‘Economic Article V’ a blatant incitement to undermine security order of others

2022-06-16 Manufacturing retreat makes US economy more vulnerable to inflation

2022-06-09 China-EU economic ties on brink of an ideological confrontation trap

2022-06-01 America's attempt to impose old ‘Cold War playbook’ on China is doomed to fail

2022-05-26 IPEF hides US’ ill ideological intentions

2022-05-19 Will joining NATO rid Finland, Sweden of fear?

2022-05-12 Long-term challenge for developing countries to guard own values against Westernization

2022-05-05 Widening trust gap key reason to our inability to make global decisions

2022-04-28 Macron’s China policy faces new tasks amid Russia-Ukraine conflict

2022-04-21 Ukraine crisis will revive Europe’s conservatism

2022-04-14 Developing countries must fight for the future of globalization

2022-04-07 Why European integration failed to eliminate war

2022-03-24 European integration framework unsuitable for Asia

2022-03-17 Effective countermeasures to US decoupling policy against China

2022-03-10 Why the US is addicted to using economic sanctions

2022-03-03 Cold War only half over and part two has begun

2022-02-24 Can US’ balancing strategy last after Ukraine crisis?

2022-02-17 Targeting China makes US Indo-Pacific Strategy goals unachievable

2022-02-09 Olympics showcase China as a green development trailblazer

2022-01-26 Attacks on Xi’an lockdown show Western media ignorance, ruthlessness

2022-01-19 Apple’s success mirrors China-US relations

2022-01-12 Why did NYT fabricate contradiction between Chinese people and zero-COVID policy?

2022-01-07 Will Trump stage a comeback in 2022?

2022-01-05 Drop in Xi’an cases indicates light of hope amid hard lockdown

2021-12-30 China resilient despite US ‘policing’ of supply chains

2021-12-23 Manchin deadlock example of ‘divided we fall’

2021-12-16 Why it's hard to bring manufacturing back to US

2021-12-09 US cannot ‘decouple’ from Made in China

2021-12-02 China's future energy security dependent on de-Americanized strategy

2021-11-25 Biden’s real challenge not China but an antiwork generation

2021-11-04 Shanghai speed in handling of epidemic flare-up a hint of China’s system

2021-10-27 Western intellectuals now have weak minds to grasp China's might

2021-10-20 Powell’s death underscores US-China structural challenges

2021-10-15 How to shape E.Asian security architecture built after Korean War

2021-09-29 If US wants to prosecute Huawei again, it will face China's countermeasure

2021-09-24 US empire is bolstered by its military-industrial complex

2021-09-16 US knows it cannot benefit at China's expense. But will it stop?

2021-09-09 Why US so obsessed with ideas of changing others?

2021-09-02 ‘Why do they hate us?’ This question haunts US 20 years on

2021-08-26 Back to where it was 20 years ago, will US go through Afghan nightmare all over again?

2021-08-19 Taliban victory a major failure of Western civilization’s expansion

2021-08-12 Can US infrastructure plan aid manufacturing?

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