RDCY was invited to participate CyFy2020


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RDCY was invited to participate CyFy2020


The theory of punctuated equilibrium suggests that change and evolution, far from being gradual, occurs in short bursts of time, often accelerated by drastic and stressful external shocks. The outbreak of the novel coronavirus promises to do just that. The global response to the novel coronavirus will not only accelerate the process of digitalisation, but also fundamentally alter its trajectory. A new wave of technologies, norms, government policies and social behaviours will emerge, wither or evolve, compelling rapid resolutions to long festering fault-lines, or, for better or worse, entrenching them.

CyFy 2020 will gather an international community of experts — for the first time in a virtual setting — to identify, interrogate and interpret the new normal that is emerging in our global digital society. Over the course of a week, five themes will animate CyFy’s virtual discussions.

Dr.Wang Wen — Executive Dean at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China is invited to participate at #CyFy2020.

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